State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

9 Oct 2024

Understanding And Teaching

Quid est quod ait: Appone cor ad doctrinam meam.? Et paulo post subjungit: Ecce descripsi eam tripliciter, in cogitationibus et scientia ut ostenderem tibi firmitatem et eloquia veritatis? Quomodo descripsit tripliciter doctrinam et scientiam? Aut quid est cor apponere ad doctrinam?

Cor apponere est intelligere doctrinam sanctam et justam. Tripliciter vero descripsit suam doctrinam, quia unicuique praecepit ut eam studeat implere cogitatione, locutione, et opere.

De quibus terminis dicit: Ne transgrediaris terminos antiquos, quos posuerunt patres tui?

Terminos antiquos dicit terminos veritatis et fidei, quos habuerunt ab initio catholici doctores. Hoc ergo praecipit, ut sacrae fidei veritatem et evangelicae doctinae nemo aliter suscipiat, quam a sanctis Patribus est tradita, sive hoc praecipit, ut eloquia sacrarum Scipturarum nemo aliter interpretetur, nisi juxta uniuscujusque scribentis vel docentis sancti Spiritus veritatem et intentionem.

Honorius Augustodunensis, Quaestiones Et Ad Easdem Responsiones In Duos Salomonis Libros, In Proverbia, Caput XXII

Source: Migne PL 172.324a-b
Why does he say. 'Apply your heart to my teaching.' ? And a little after, 'Behold, I have described it in three ways, in thought and in knowledge, that I might show to you the firmness and elegance of truth.' ? 1

How has he described teaching and knowledge in three ways? Or what is it to apply the heart to teaching?

To apply the heart is to understand holy and righteous teaching. But he describes his teaching in three ways, because he commands each one of us to strive to fulfill it in thought and speech and deed.

Of what boundaries does he speak of with: 'Do not pass beyond the ancient boundaries that your fathers have established.' 2

He calls the ancient boundaries the boundaries of truth and faith that the catholic teachers had from the beginning. This, therefore, he commands, that no one should take up the truth of the holy faith and the teaching of the Gospel in any other way than according to the tradition of the Holy Fathers, or that no one should interpret the words of Holy Scripture in any other way but writing and teaching according to the truth and intention of the Holy Spirit.

Honorius of Autun, Questions and Answers on Two Books of Solomon, On Proverbs, Chapter 22

1 Prov 22.17, 20-21
2 Prov 22.28

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