State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Oct 2024

Seeking And Finding

Quidam Christum quaesierunt , et non invenerunt. Quidam quaesierunt, et invenerunt, sed non retinuerunt, quia non quaesiverunt ut haberent, sed ut venderent. Quidam Christum quaesiverunt et invenerunt, et retinuerunt, quia non quaesiverunt ut venderent, sed ut possiderent. Primis dixit: Quo ego vado vos non potestis venire. Quaeretis me, et non invenietis, sed in peccatis vestris moriemini. Secundis dixit: Ego sum, si me quaeritis, sinite eos abire. Et injecerunt manus et tenuerunt eum. Tertiis dixite: Avete. Et accesserunt et tenuerunt pedes ejus. Primi quaesiverunt, et non invenerunt. Secundi vivum invenerunt, et inventum occiderunt. Tertii mortuum quaesiverunt, et vivum invenerunt. Sic multi sapientiam quaerunt, et non inveniunt, quia inutiles judicantur et abjiciuuntur. Alii sapientiam quaerunt et inveniunt, sed non diligunt, quia ad lucrum et laudem humanam adipiscendam eam exponunt, et prostituunt. Isti Christum vivum inveniunt, sed occidunt, quia ex hoc in eis sapientia moritur quod ejus dulcedine nullo amoris sensu perfruuntur. Alii mortuam quaerunt, et vivam inveniunt, quia dum eam ad hujus vitae usum non appetunt, verius intus ad illius dulcedinem et suavitatem pertingunt. Hi assumuntur ut eleventur et glorificentur

Hugo De Sancte Victore, Miscellanea, Liber I, Tit XII Quod Christus et sapientia a diversis variis quaeruntur modis

Source: Migne PL 177.484a-c
Some have sought Christ and not found Him. Some have sought and found but they did not retain because they did not seek that they might have but that they might sell. Some have sought Christ and found and retained, and that because they did not seek so that they might sell but that they might possess.To the first sort He says: 'Where I am going you are not able to come. You will seek me and not find me, but you will die in your sin.' 1 To the second He says 'I am. If you seek me, let them go. And they put their hands on Him and seized Him.' 2 To the third sort He says: 'Hail. And they approached and held His feet.' 3 The first have sought and have not found. The second have sought the living one and finding Him they slew Him. The third sought the dead one and found the living one. So it is that many seek wisdom and they do not find, because they are judged unworthy and cast off. Others seek wisdom and find it but they do not love it, because they use it only for material gain and human praise, and so they prostitute it. These sort find the living Christ and slay Him, because wisdom dies in them when with no sweetness of love they enjoy it in the mind. These shall be summoned to a heavy judgement and cast down. The others seek what is dead and find that which is living, because while they did not desire to put it to use for this life, then indeed within they touch on its sweetness and joyfulness. These are taken up, so that they might be lifted up and glorified.

Hugh Of Saint Victor, Miscellanea, Book 1, Chapter 12, That Christ and wisdom are sought in different ways

1 Jn 7.33-34, 8.21
2 Jn 18.8
3 Mt 28.9

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