State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

3 Oct 2024

Plots And Aid

Ne tradas me, Domine a desiderio meo peccatori: cogitaverunt adversum me, ne derelinquas me, ne unquam exaltentur.

A desiderio suo traditur peccatori, quisque per concupiscentias carnis diabolo relinquitur possidendus. De quibus dicit Apostolus: Propterea tradidit illos Deus in desideria cordis eorum, in immunditiam. Sed ne hoc fiat, sequitur res omnino probabilis, ut sicut inimici consilium faciunt in malum, ita virtus divina praestare dignetur auxilium. Ad postremum dicitur causa justissima, ne revera exaltentur perditione justorum, qui de fidelis populi subversione gloriantur.

Cassiodorus, Expositio In Psalterium, Psalmus CXXXIX

Source: Migne PL 70.997a-b
O Lord, do not hand me over from my desire to the sinner. They have plotted against me, do not abandon me, lest at any time they be exalted. 1

From his desire he is handed over to the sinner, who through the desire of the flesh is forsaken to become a possession of the devil. Concerning which the Apostle says: 'On account of which God gave them over to the desires of their hearts, to uncleanliness.' 2 But that this not be, what is certainly possible follows, that as the enemy plots his evils, so Divine virtue may condescend to offer help. Finally a most righteous reason is declared, that they may not be exalted in the ruin of the righteous who glory in the fall of faithful people.

Cassiodorus, Commentary On The Psalms, from Psalm 139

1 Ps 139.9
2 Rom 1.24

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