State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

11 Oct 2024

Difficulties Of Understanding

Arduum enim et difficillimum homini est, per se ipsum vel per saeculi doctores rationem praeceptorum coelestium consequi: nec naturae nostrae recipit infirmitas, divinis institutis, nisi per ejus gratiam qui haec ipsa dederit, erudiri. Namque qui simpliciter ea quae inter manus sibi inciderint legunt, existimant nihil differentiae in verbis, nihil in nominibus, nihil in rebus existere. Sed si istud communis colloquii sermo non patitur, ut sub diversis rerum nuncupationibus non diversa significata esse intelligantur; numquid Dei eloquia tam imperita, tam confusa esse credimus, ut? aut inopia verborum quibus uterentur laboraverint, aut distinctionum genera nescierint? Plures enim cum audient legem, justificationem, praecepta, testimonia, judicia, quae omnia Moyses sub diversa uniuscujusque generis virtute disposuit, unum atque isdem esse existimant: ignorantes aliud legem, aliud justificationem, aliud praeceptum, aliud testimonium, aliud esse judicium: quae multum a se differre et discrepare, testis nobis octavus decimus psalmus, quo continetur proprietas uniuscujusque et nuncupationis et generis. Lex, enim, Domini immaculata, convertens animas. Testimonium Domini fidele, erudiens parvulos. Justitiae Domini rectae, laetificatnes corda. Praeceptum Domini lucidum, illuminans oculos. Timor Domini sanctus, permanens in saeculum saeculi. Judicia Domini vera, justificata in ipsum. Sunt ergo distantiae in singulis quibusque rebus: et prudentis atque intelligentis viri est, in his quae scripta sunt discernere, ubi lex, ubi praeceptum, ubi testimonium, ubi justificationes, ubi judicia constituta sint: ne illa quae sermo propheticus mirabili uniuscujusque rei proprietate distinxit, ea ignorantiae nostrae infirmitas indocata imperitiae opinione confundat. Itaque per litteras singulas haec omnia maximus et ultra caerteros copiosissimus psalmus iste discrevit: ut per haec verborum elementa, credenti et vivendi et erudiendi in Dominum doctrinae ratio et distinctio doceretur

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis, Tractatus super Psalmos, Tractatus in Psalmum XVIII

Source: Migne PL 9.501c-502b
It is arduous and most difficult for a man to grasp the understanding of the heavenly commandments by himself or by the use of secular teachers, for the weakness of our nature is not receptive to the Divine institutes, unless through the grace of Him who gave them to be learnt. For they who simply read these things which fall into their hands, they judge there to be no difference in words, nothing in names, nothing in things. But if common speech allows that in different ways of speaking different meanings can be understood, shall we think that the words of God are so very inept and confused, that either they were labouring in the employment of a poverty of words, or they did not know types of distinction? But many when they hear a law, a justification, a precept, a testimony, a judgement, all which Moses arranged skillfully under different and specific classes, they judge them to be one and the same, ignorant that a law is one thing, a justification another, a precept another, a testimony another, and a judgement another. Which great difference and separation the eighteenth Psalm gives witness to, in which is contained each one's special character, pronouncement and class. It says: 'The Law of the Lord is flawless, converting souls. The testimony of the Lord is faithful educating little ones. The justifications of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The teaching of the Lord enlightens, illuminating the eye. The fear of the Lord is holy, enduring forever. The judgements of the Lord are true, justified in Him. ' 1 Therefore each one differs in its function, and it is for the prudent and sensible man to discern in what is written what is set down as a law, a precept, a testimony, a justification, a judgement, lest the wondrous prophetic word which has distinguished each one with its own special character is confounded by the weakness of our ignorance in the uneducated opinion of inexperience. Thus with each letter, this Psalm most rich even beyond the others, has distinguished all of these, and through the elements of the words, the reason and distinction of the teaching of the Lord is was taught for believing and living and learning.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Homilies on the Psalms, from Psalm 18

1 Ps 18.8-10

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