State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

17 Oct 2024

Honey And Salt

Nec quidquam fermenti aut mellis adolebitur in sacrificiis; sed in omni sacrificio offeres sal.

Mel in sacrificio prohibetur offerri, quai nihil voluptuosum et suave hujus mundi apud Deum placet, nihil quo non habeat aliquid mordacis veritatis. Unde paschalis agnus cum lactucis agrestibus et amaris manducabatur. Sal vero in omni sacrifico offertur, quia sale rationis et discretionis omnia debent condiri.

Hugo De Sancte Victore, Miscellanea, Liber IV, Tit XVIII, Sal discretionis, non mel adulationis nec voluptatis, esse sacris adhibendum

Source: Migne PL 177.708a
Neither leaven nor honey shall be burnt with the sacrifices, but with every sacrifice you shall offer salt. 1

Honey is forbidden to be offered in sacrifice, because nothing pleasurable and sweet of this world pleases God, nothing that does not have the bite of truth. Whence the Paschal lamb was eaten with wild and bitter herbs. 1 But salt is offered with every sacrifice, because everything should be established with the salt of reason and discretion.

Hugh Of Saint Victor, Miscellanea, Book 4, Chapter 18, On the salt of discretion, and that the honey of adulation and pleasure is not to be allowed in sacred things

1 Levit 2.11,13
2 Exod 12.8

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