State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

15 Oct 2024

The Poor In Spirit

Nescio, fratres, si plane intelligitis quid sit pauperem esse spiritu. Apud multos hoc verbum quandoque scrupulum dubitionis induxit. Quidam abundant et in sensu et in spiritu, sicut filii hujus saeculi qui prudentiores sunt filiis lucis in generatione sua. Istos siquidem nec pauperes, nec divites spiritu censere praesumo. Quis ergo erit pauper spiritu? Nunquid ille qui turbatur et concutitur a pusillanimitate spiritus et tempestate? Certe nec istum pauperem spiritu dignum est profiteri. Curramus ad Apostolum. Vir enim circumspectus et multorum expertus est. Non accepimus, dicit Apostolus, spiritum hujus mundi, sed spiritum qui ex Deo est. Est autem spiritus hujus mundi, spiritus qui inflat, spiritus superbiae, de quo idem Apostolus dicit: Ambulastis, inquit, secundum principem potestatis aeris hujus, spiritum qui nunc operatur in filiis diffidentiae. Credo si quis deficeret ab hoc spiritu, pauper esset spiritu. Sed non sufficeret hoc, nisi Spiritus Dei redderet testimonium spiritui ejus. Procedamus ergo ulterius si forte possimus intelligere quid sit esse pauperem spiritu. Credo quia pauper spiritu est, qui deficiens a se ipso, et se totum pro Christo abnegns, nihil habet in cogitatione aut memoria, nihil in delectatione, aut desiderio nisi Christum. Iste potest dicere: Memore fui Dei et delectaus sum, et deficit spiritus meus. Hanc sui abdicationem, hanc paupertatem, et hunc defectum spiritus videbatur habere qui dicebat: Velociter exaudi me, Domine, quia defecit spiritus meus. Et illud: In deficiendo ex me spiritum meum, et tu cognovisti semitas meas. Qui ergo mundo renuntians et se ipsum abdicans sub potenti manu Dei, et sub observantia ordinis se humiliat: hic est pauper et humilis spiritu. De talibus dictum est: Juxta est Dominus his qui tribulato sunt corde, et humiles spiritu salvabit. Isti Spiritu Dei aguntur non alta sapientes, sed humilibus consentientes.

Petrus Blenensis, Sermo XLII, In Festo Omnium Sanctorum

Source: Migne PL 207.690a-c
I do not know, brothers, if you fully understand what it means to be poor in spirit. 1 Among many this phrase has introduced a scruple of doubt. But indeed they abound in sense and spirit, as 'the sons of this age are more prudent than the sons of light in their generation.' 2 I do not presume to reckon the former poor, nor rich in spirit. Who, then, shall be the one who is poor in spirit? It is the one who is troubled and shaken by a weakness of spirit in the storm? Certainly it does not befit that this one is worthy of being poor of spirit. Let us hurry to the Apostle, for he is a wise man and experienced in many things. 'We have not received,' the Apostle says, 'the spirit of this world, but the spirit which is from God.' 3 There is indeed a spirit of the world, a spirit which puffs up, a spirit of pride, concerning which the same Apostle says, 'You have walked according to the the prince of power of this air, a spirit which now works in the sons of rebellion.' 4 I think that if someone is lacking in this spirit that he is poor in spirit. But this will not be enough unless the Spirit of God produces evidence of its own spirit. Let us go further, then, if perhaps it is possible that we might understand what it is to be poor in spirit. I think that the one who is poor in spirit is he who is lacking in himself, and denies himself utterly for Christ, having nothing in his thoughts or memory, nothing in pleasure or desire, but Christ. He can say: 'I was mindful of God and I delighted, and my spirit failed.' 5 This is one who seems to have renounced himself, and been poor, and to lack in spirit, he who said, 'Be swift to hear me, O Lord, because my spirit goes from me.' 6 And again: 'In the going forth of my spirit from me, and you knew my ways.' 7 He, then, who renounces the world and himself under the powerful hand of God, and beneath the observance of His commandments humbles himself, this is the one who is poor and humble in spirit. Concerning such things it is said, 'The Lord is beside those who are troubled in heart, and He saves the humble of spirit.' 8 They who live with the spirit of God do not think of high things, but give their minds to humble things. 9

Peter of Blois, from Sermon 42, On The Feast of All Saints

1 Mt 5.8
2 Lk 16.8
3 1 Cor 2.12
4 Ephes 2.2
5 Ps 76.4
6 Ps 142.7
7 Ps 141.4
8 Ps 33.9
9 Rom 12.16

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