State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

12 Oct 2024

Parts Of Speech

Tria sunt in sermone Dei: elementa, exordia et completiones. in elementis expressio vocis sed intelligentia non est: in exordio sermonis intelligentia est, sed perfecta non est; in completione sermonis, perfecta intelligentia est. Figurae Veteris Testamenti elementa fuerunt sermonis Dei. Praecepta Decalogi exordium fuerunt sermonis Dei. Praecepta novi Testamenti completio sunt sermonis Dei. Prohbitio procinae carnis elementum fuit sermonis Dei. Prohibitio moechiae carnalis, exordium; prohibitio spiritulais moechiae, completio. In Veteri Testamento iterum quando dictum est: Carnem cum sanguine non comedetis, elementum fuit; quando dictum est: Non occides, exordium; quando dictum est: Si quis irascitur fratri suo sine causa, reus erit judicio, completio. In Veteri Testamento vox fuit, in Novo intellectus, in vita aeterna, res. In Veteri Testamento via fuit, in Novo veritas, in aeternitate, vita. Unde dicitur: Ego sum via, veritas et vita. Idem enim et ibi via fuit, et hic veritas est, et illic vita erit.

Hugo De Sancte Victore, Miscellanea, Liber I, Tit CLX, De tribus quae sunt in sermone Dei

Source: Migne PL 177.484a-c
There are three parts of the speech of God, elements, beginnings, perfections. In the elements is the expression of speech but there is no understanding. In the beginning is the understanding of speech but there is no perfection of it. In the completion of speech understanding is perfected. The figures of the Old Testament are the elements of the speech of God. The commandments of the Decalogue are the beginning of the speech of God. The teachings of the New Testament are the perfection of the word of God. The prohibition of pig flesh was the element of the word of God, the prohibition of carnal adultery the beginning, the prohibition of spiritual adultery the perfection. Again in the Old Testament when it was said 'You shall not eat flesh with blood,' this was the element, when it was said: 'You shall not kill' 2 this was the beginning, when it was said, 'If someone is angry with a brother without reason, he shall be guilty of judgement,' 3 this is the perfection. In the Old Testament was the voice, in the New Testament is the understanding, in eternal life shall be the thing itself. In the Old Testament was the way, in the New the truth, in eternity, the life. Whence it is said: 'I am the way and the truth and the life.' 4 For there He was the way and here He is the truth and there He shall be the life.

Hugh Of Saint Victor, Miscellanea, Book 1, Chapter 160, One the three parts of the speech of God

1 Genes 9.4
2 Exod 20.13
3 Mt 5.22
4 Jn 14.6

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