State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

2 Oct 2024

Conquering The World

Confidite, quia ego vici mundum

Nota, quod Dominus dicit, se fecisse tria in mundo, scilicet reliquisse mundum, loannis decimo sexto: Relinquo mundum et vado ad Patrem; vicisse mundum; unde hic Ioannis decimo sexto: Confidite, quia vici mundum; reprehendisse mundum; loannis septimo: Me odit mundus, quia testimonium perhibeo de eo, quia opera eius mala sunt; per hoc ostendens fidelibus suis, quod relinquendae sunt mundanae prosperitates , sustinendae sive superandae mundanae adversitales , arguendae perversitates mundanae. Sic mundum conversatione reliquit, passione superavit, praedicatione reprehendit.

Sanctus Bonaventura, Collationes In Evangelium Ioannem, Caput XVII, Collatio LXI

Source: Here, p610
Be confident, because I have conquered the world. 1

Note that the Lord says He has done three things in the world, that is, He has left it, in the sixteenth chapter of John, 'I leave the world and go to the Father,' 2 He has conquered it, whence it says here, 'Be confident, because I have conquered the world.' And He has reproved it in the seventh chapter of John, 'The world hates me because I give testimony of it, that its works are wicked.' 3 By this He shows His faithful ones that one must leave worldly riches, and endure, and overcome worldly adversities. So He left the world's way of living, and He overcame in suffering, and He reproved the world in preaching.

Saint Bonaventura, Observations On The Gospel Of Saint John, Chapter 17

1 Jn 16.33
2 Jn 16.28
3 Jn 7.7

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