State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

1 Sept 2016

The Boat And The Beach

'In illa die exiit Jesus, et sedebat secus mare: et congregatae sunt ad eum turbae, ita ut in naviculam ascenderet.'

Sedisse Dominum in navi, et turbas foris stetisse, ex subjectis rebus est ratio. In parabolis enim erat locuturus: et facti istius genere significat eos, qui extra Ecclesiam positi sunt, nullam divini sermonis capere posse intelligentiam. Navis enim Ecclesiae typum praefert: intra quam verbum vitae positum et praedicatum hi, qui extra sunt, et arenae modo steriles atque inutiles adjacent, intelligere non possunt.

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis, In Evangelium Matthaei Commentarius, Cap XIII

Source: Migne PL 9.993c
'On that day Jesus went out and sat near the sea and there gathered around Him crowds, so that He had to climb into a boat.' 1

The Lord sat in a boat and the crowd stood outside, in the matter is the meaning. In parables it has been said, and in this act that which is similar is signified, that those who are placed outside the Church are not able to understand the Divine words. The boat is a type of the church, in which the word of life has been placed and it is preached to those who are outside, those who are on the sterile and fruitless sands, not being able to comprehend.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, from the Commentary On The Gospel Of Saint Matthew, Chapter 13

1 Mt 13.1

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