State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

5 Oct 2024

The Lost Sheep

Erravi sicut ovis quae periit; quaere servum tuum, Domine, quia mandata tua non sum oblitus.

Una ovis, est congregatio sanctorum et fidelium; et unus est Pastor Dominus Christus eorum. Et respice quam infimae rei comparati sunt homnes, quando Christi gratiam deserunt: ovi videlicet erranti, quae pericula patitur luporum; et bene dictum est, quae perierat, ut cognosceres misericordia Domini fuisse repertam.

Alcuinus, Expositio In Psalmum CXVIII

Source: Migne PL 100.620a
I wandered like a sheep that was lost; seek your servant, O Lord, because I have not forgotten your commandments. 1

One is the sheep, and it is the congregation of the saints and the faithful, and one is the shepherd, Christ their Lord. And see how men are compared to such a lowly thing when they lack the grace of Christ, certainly a wandering sheep exposed to the peril of the wolves. And well it is said that he was lost, that you might know he was found by the mercy of the Lord.

Alcuin of York, from the Commentary on Psalm 118

1. Ps 118.176

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