State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Sept 2024

The Fruits Of Choosing

Fiat manus tua ut salvum me faciat, quoniam mandata tua elegi.

Aliis gloriam saeculi eligentibus, aliis venerationem elementorum ac daemonum capessentibus, aliss terrenas opes expetentibus, sanctus iste mandata Dei elegit. Elegit autem non naturali necessitate, sed voluntate pietatis: quia unicuique ad id quod volet via est proposita vivendi, et appetendi atque agendi permissa libertas. Et ob id uniuscujusqie aut poena aut praemiis afficetur electio.

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis,Tractatus super Psalmos, Tractatus in Psalmum CXVIII

Source: Migne PL 9.641a
May it be that your hand saves me, because I have chosen your commandments. 1

It is for others to choose the glory of the age, it is for others to take to the veneration of the elements of the world and demons, it is for others to seek worldly wealth, this holy man chooses the commandments of God. Yet he does not choose on account of some necessity of nature but by the will of piety, because each one chooses according to the purpose of his way of living, and freedom is given for that desiring and doing. And because of this the choice of each one shall bring about punishment or reward.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Homilies on the Psalms, from Psalm 118

1 Ps 118.173

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