State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

30 Sept 2024

Angels And The Resurrection

Cum enim a mortuis resurrexerint neque nubent neque nubentur: sed sunt sicut angeli Dei in caelis...

Tangit hic secundum qualitatem veram resurgentium in duobus: in remotione erroirs, et in doctrina veritatis. De primos dicit, cum enim a mortuis, illi qui mortui sunt, resurrexerint, sive boni sive mali, neque nubent neque nubentur. Gloss. Graeco idiomati, Latina consuetudo non respondet: nubere enim proprie mulieres dicuntur, et viri uxores: sed nos simpliciter dictum intelligamus sic, neque nubant viri, neque nubentur mulieres. Unde Augustines dicit, quod ibi erunt membra genitalis, non quae libidinem provocent: sed quae sapientiae admirationem indicant. In resurrectione neque nubent neque nubentur: sed omnis ibi foecunditas est ex coniunctione spiritus creati cum increato, sed erunt, tangit doctrinam veritatis dicens, sed erunt, in futuro, sicut angelis, non in natura Angeli: sed sicut Angeli in proprietate spiritualitatis et immortalitatis. Et quia nuptiae sunt bonum mortalium, ideo neque nubent neque nubentur, in caelis, autem dicit, ne in terra in aurea Ierusalem resurrectio putetur esse futura. Filii huius seculi nubunt et traduntur ad nuptias: illi vero qui digni habebuntur illo seculo et resurrectione, neque nubent, neque ducent uxores, neque enim ultra mori poterunt: aequales enim sunt Angelis, et filii sunt Dei, cum filii sunt resurrectionis. Unde Gloss, Nemo ibi mortiur, nemo ibi nascitur, nec infans nec senex ibi erit.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus Commentarium In Evangelium Divi Marci, Caput XII

Source: Here p146
For when they are resurrected from the dead they shall neither marry nor be married, but they are like the angels of God in heaven...1

This touches on the true state of those who rise in two parts, in the removal of error and in the teaching of truth. Concerning the first He says, 'from the dead,' those who have died, they are resurrected, whether good or evil, and shall not marry or be married. The gloss says: 'This is a Greek idiom to which the Latin does not answer, for woman are properly said to marry, and men to take a wife,' but we should understand what is said in a simple sense, that neither will men marry, nor will woman be married. Whence Augustine says 2 that there there shall be generative members there but not to provoke to lust, but to signify the admiration of wisdom. 'In the resurrection they shall neither marry nor be married,' 3 but all there is a harmony in the joining of the created spirits with the uncreated. But they shall be, and here He touches on the teaching of truth, saying that in the future they shall be like angels, yet not by nature angels, but like angels by the possession of spirituality and immortality. And because marriage is a good of the mortal state, thus they shall not marry or be married in heaven, which means that it is not on earth, nor in some gilded Jerusalem, that the future resurrection should be thought to be. 'The children of this world marry and are given in marriage, but those who are worthy shall have the future and the resurrection, and they shall not marry nor take wives, nor shall they be able to die, but they shall be equal to angels, and sons of God, sons of the resurrection.' 4 Whence the gloss says: 'No one dies there, no one is born there, nor is there a babe there, nor an old man.'

Saint Albert The Great, Commentary On The Gospel of St Mark, Chapter 12

1 Mark 10.1
2 Aug
3 Mt 22.30
4 Lk 20.34-36

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