State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

22 Sept 2024

Differing Profits

...Sequere me, et surgens secutus est eum.

Saepe legitur et in hoste utilis virtus, saepe in adversario comprobatur. Matthaeus non subtrahitur operi, sed mutatur, et telonium suscipit magis quam relinquit, ut mansura Deo, non homini peritura conquirat, ut non tresimum in quadrigesimum quinquagesiumumque nummum tristis redigat supputator, sed trigesimum in sexagesimum et centesimum gaudii fructum laetus recondat divinis commodis profuturum. Et surgent secutus est eum. Generosus animus, qui sic ea quae magna putarat, facile, et quasi nulla contempsit, apparet illum per ignorantiam lucra ante praesentia conquisisse, a quibus ut se sensit, et vidit liberum sic raptus est ad divina.

Sanctus Petrus Chrysologus, Sermo XXIX, De Matthaei Publicani

Source: Migne PL 52.283a-b
...'Follow me,' and rising, he followed Him. 1

One may often read that even in an enemy there is a useful virtue, and that there is often something to be approved in an adversary. Matthew is not being taken from his work, but changed; and he takes the tax booth rather than leaving it, so that he may seek after what will remain for God, not what will pass away for man; not so that as a grievous accountant he may collect coins thirtyfold and fortyfold and fiftyfold, but so that he may happily store away the joyful profits of Divine benefactions thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold. 2 'And rising, he followed Him.' It is a noble spirit that so easily despised as nothing those things that it had thought to be great, it is apparent that through ignorance he had sought after present wealth, from which, as he realized and saw, he was thus taken away to Divine gain.

Saint Peter Chrysologus, from Sermon 29, On Matthew the Tax Collector

1 Mt 9.9
2 Mt 13.8

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