State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

29 Sept 2024

Seeing Angels

...Et angelos Dei ascendentes et descendentes super Filium hominis.

Ad litteram, angeli ad ipsum descenderunt, secundum quod dicitur matthaei quarto, Accesserunt angeli et ministrabant ei, spiritualiter vero, ut dicit Augustinus, quod dictum est Nathanaeli modo impletur in Christianis, quia, postquam Deus homo ascendit, credentibus in eum aperitur aditus caeli, et vident angelos, id est, praedicatores, ascendentes, dum arcana Deitatis considerant; et descendentes, dum humana de eo praedicant. Ista visio signata est Genesis vigesimo octavo, ubi dicitur, quod Iacob vidit Dominum innixum scalae et Angelos ascendentes et descendentes.

Sanctus Bonaventura, Commentarius In Evangelium Ioannem, Caput I

Source: Here, p496-7
...And angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man. 1

According to the letter, angels descended on Him according to what is said in the fourth chapter of Matthew: 'And angels came and ministered to Him.' 2 Spiritually, however, as Augustine says, 3 what was said to Nathanael was in a way fulfilled among Christians, because after the God man ascended, the sanctuary of the heavens was opened to those who believe in Him, and they see angels, that is, the preachers, ascending, when they contemplate the hidden things of His Divinity, and then descending, when they preach about the human things of Him. This vision was signified in the twenty eighth chapter of Genesis, where it is said that Jacob saw the Lord leaning on a ladder and the angels ascending and descending. 4

Saint Bonaventura, Commentary On The Gospel Of Saint John, Chapter 1

1 Jn 1.51
2 Mt 4.11
3 August Tract Ioan 7.23, contra Faustum 26, Serm 122.2.2
4 Genes 28.11-13

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