State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

2 Sept 2024

Sabbath Works

Secundum autem modum videndi, legem implevit duobus modis. Primum exteriores quidem legis figuras solvens, interiores autem veritates ejus adimplens. Utputa, in lege praecepit omne opus servile in sabbato quemquam facere non debere, praeterquam quod fit omni animae, scilicet quod est necessarium vitae humanae: hoc figurale est, quia sic Deus in sabbato cessat ab opere. Spiritualiter secuncum Evangelii veritatem, opus servile peccatum est: Quoniam omnis qui facit peccatum, servus est peccati. Omne autem opus bonum non est servile, sed liberale, et pro animae fit libertate, licet videatur ipsum opus in prima facie corporale. Vides ergo quia Christus sabbatis operans adimplevit legem, non solvit: manifestavit, non occultavit? Item in lege fuerat scriptum, lepram tangere non oportere. Hoc figuratum est. Lepra enim intelligitur peccatum. Christus ergo tangens lepram, non solvit legem, sed adimplevit. Mundans enim leprosum, justitiam operatus est, non peccatum. Et per hoc justitiam tetigit, non peccatum, quod est vere lepra

Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum, Homilia X

Source: Migne PG 56.687-688
According to the way of seeing, the Law can be fufilled in two ways. First with the exterior figures, which being set aside, then its interior truth is achieved. So in the Law it is commanded that one should do no servile work on the Sabbath, apart from that which is fit for every soul, that is, necessary for human life. 1 This is a figure, because God rested from his work on the Sabbath. 2 Spiritually, according to the truth of the Gospel, the servile work is sin, because everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin, 3 but no good work is slavish, but liberating, and so suitable for the free soul, which same work at first glance may seem corporeal. Do you see, then, that Christ's work on the Sabbath fulfilled the Law and did not flout it, that He revealed and did not obscure? In the Law it was written that one should not touch a leper. This is the figure. But understand leprosy as sin. Christ, therefore, in touching the leper did not flout the law but fulfilled it. For the cleansing of the leper was a righteous work, not a sinful one. And by this He touched on righteousness not sin, which is the true leper.

Opus Imperfectum on Matthew, from Homily 10

1 Exod 12.16, Levit 23.7
2 Gen 2.2
3 Jn 8.54

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