State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

25 Sept 2024

Lights And Lamps

Neque accendunt lucernam et ponunt eam sub modio.

Quod si de seipso insinuat, non esse sub obscuro legis, ut quidem volunt, vel sub modio carnis ponendum; tum recte per candelabrum crux passionis, super quam levandus erat, et per lucernam introrsus lucentem divinitas in carne reserata monstratur. Sed tamen circumstantius apostolos et apostolicos viros lucernas esse putamus, quanquam superius gloriosius lux sint vocati, Nimirum quia etsi luci adhaerentes lux esse meruerant, tamen alterius lumine succensi, sicut lucerna alientis pascitur donis, non oportuit sub modio timoris delitescere illos, vel certe sub commoditate praesentis vitae abscondere. Sed accensi lumine veritatis, ponendi erant in candelabro, super quod septem lampades mystice in templo positae, oleo, videlicet Spiritus sancti gratia, jugiter nutriebantur. Cur autem praeeminentius lampas fidei et bonorum operum lucere debeat, patenter insinuat, cum subjungut, ut luceat, inquit, omnibus qui in domo sunt. Videlicet in Ecclesia, quae una et perfecta domus praedicatur. Vel forte luceat omnibus in domo hujus mundi, quae sub uno coelo quasi camera concluditur.

Sanctus Paschasius Radbertus Corbeiensis, Expositio In Evangelium Matthaei, Lib III Cap V

Source: Migne PL 120.235b-c
Nor do they light a lamp and place it beneath a bushel... 1

Because if He hints of Himself here, as not being placed beneath the darkness of the Law, as indeed they wish, or beneath the bushel of the flesh, then rightly on the lamp stand of the cross of the passion, upon which He was to be raised, by the lamp shining within, Divinity is revealed in the uncovered flesh. But we may also think that the surrounding Apostles and Apostolic men are lamps, they who just previously were more gloriously called light, 2 certainly because even if adhering to the light they merited the title of 'light', and although kindled by the light of another, just as a lamp is fed with gifts of another, and it was not done so they that should be hidden beneath the bushel of fear, of indeed obscured beneath the comforts of the present life. But lit by the light of truth they were placed on the lamp stand, on which the seven lamps were mystically set in the temple, 3 and were continually nourished with oil, which is the grace of the Holy Spirit. And why the lamp of faith and good works should be preeminent in shining He clearly suggests when He adds that it should shine on everyone in the house. That is, in the Church, which is proclaimed to be the one perfect house. Or perhaps it should shine on everyone else in the house of the world, which is beneath one heaven as in a vaulted room.

Saint Paschasius Radbertus, Commentary On The Gospel of Saint Matthew, Book 3, Chapter 5

1 Mt 5.15
2 Mt 5.14
3 Exod 25.37

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