State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

13 Sept 2024

Seeing Within

Sacri eloquii mysticos sensus Propheta per aspirationem sancti Spiritus prudenter intelligens, dicit: Mirabilia testimonia tua, ideo scrutata est ea anima mea. Qui rursus ait: Revela oculos meos, et considerabo mirabilia de lege tua. Qui enim necdum occulta de apertis intelligit, oculos velatos habet. Qui vero jam intelligit, revelatis oculis mirabilia de lege Dei considerat, quia, spiritaliter litterae verba discutiens, quae interius magnitudo lateat pensat. An non est mirabile quando aliud auribus sonat, atque aliud exit ad intelligentiam quod non sonabat? Cui ergo verbum sacri eloquii nisi lapidi simile dixerim, in quo ignis latet? Qui manu quidem frigidus tenetur, sed, percussus ferro, per scintillas micat, atque hoc emittit ignem qui post ardeat, quod prius manus frigidum tenebat. Sic etenim, sic verba sunt sacri eloquii, quae quidem per narrationem litterae frigida tenentur; sed si quis haec, aspirante Domino, intento intellectu pulsaverit, de mysticis ejus sensibus ignem producit, ut in eis verbis post animus spiritaliter ardeat, quae prius per litteram ipse quoque frigidus audiebat.

Sanctus Gregorius Magnus, In Ezechielem Prophetam, Liber Secundus, Homilia X

Source: Migne PL 76.1058a-c
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the prophet wisely understands the spiritual sense of sacred speech, saying, 'Your testimonies are wondrous, therefore my soul has studied them.' He who says again: 'Open my eyes, and I shall consider the wonders of your law.' 1 For he who does not yet understand hidden things as things revealed, he has his eyes veiled. But he who understands with eyes opened considers the wonders of God's law, because spiritually shattering the literal words, he ponders the greatness hidden within. Is it not to be wondered at that when something resounds in the ear, yet something escapes understanding which is not heard? To what then might I say the word of holy speech is like but a stone in which fire is hidden? It is cold when it is held in the hand but when it is struck with iron, it flashes with sparks, and that which emits the fire is afterward warm, which before was so cold to the touch. So indeed are the words of sacred speech, which by the literal narration are felt to be cold, but if someone, by the inspiration of the Lord, shall strike them with zealous understanding, he shall produce the fire of spiritual understanding, so that after, because of these words, the soul is spirtually aflame, that which before by the letter listened in coldness.

Saint Gregory the Great, On the Prophet Ezekiel, Book 2, from Homily 10

1 Ps 118.129, 18

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