State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

16 Sept 2024

Encouraging Confessors

Cyprianus Rogatiano presbytero et caeteris confessoribus fratribus salutem.

Et jampridem vobis, fratres charissimi ac fortissimi, litteras miseram, quibus fidei et virtuti vestrae verbis exultantibus gratularer, et nunc non aliud in primis vox nostra complectitur quam ut laeto animo frequenter ac semper gloriam vestri nominis praedicemus. Quid enim vel majus in votis meis potest esse vel melius quam cum video confessionis vestrae honore luminatum gregem Christi? Nam, cum gaudere in hoc omnes fratres oporteat, tum in gaudio communi major est episcopi portio: Ecclesiae enim gloria praepositi gloria est. Quantum dolemus ex illis quos tempestas inimica prostravit, tantum laetamur ex vobis, quos diabolus superare non potuit. Hortamur tamen per communem fidem, per pectoris nostri veram circa vos et simplicem charitatem, ut, qui adversarium prima hac congressione vicistis, gloriam vestram forti et perseveranti virtute teneatis. Adhuc in saeculo sumus, adhuc in acie constituti, de vita nostra quotidie dimicamus. Danda opera est ut post haec initia ad incrementa quoque veniatur, et consummetur in vobis quod jam rudimentis felicibus esse coepistis. Parum est adipisci aliquid potuisse; plus est quod adeptus es posse servare; sicut et fides ipsa et nativitas salutaris, non accepta, sed custodia, vivificat. Nec statim consecutio, sed consummatio hominem Deo servat. Dominus hoc magisterio suo docuit dicens: Ecce sanus factus es, jam noli peccare, ne quid tibi deterius fiat. Puta hoc illum et confessori suo dicere: Ecce confessor factus es, jam noli peccare, ne quid tibi deterius fiat. Salomon denique et Saul et caeteri multi, quamdiu in viis Domini ambulaverunt, datam sibi gratiam tenere potuerunt. Recedente ab iis disciplina Dominica, recessit et gratia.

Sanctus Cyprianus, Epistula VI, Ad Rogantium Presbyterum Et Caeteros Confessors

Source: Migne PL 3.235a-236b
Cyprian to the presbyter Rogatianus, and to the other confessors, his brethren, greetings.

I had before, most beloved and bravest brethren, sent you a letter in which I congratulated your faith and virtue with words of exultation, and now, first of all, our voice has no other care than to announce the glory of your name repeatedly and always with a joyful mind. For what can I wish for in my prayers that would be greater or better than I might see the flock of Christ enlightened by the honour of your confession? For though all the brethren should rejoice in this, yet the share of the bishop is the greatest in the common gladness. For the glory of the Church is the glory of him who who presides. As much as we lament over those who have been thrown down by a hostile storm, to the same degree we rejoice over you whom the devil has not been able to overcome. However we exhort you by our common faith, by the true and simple love in our heart for you, that having overcome the adversary in this first encounter, you should cling to your glory with a brave and persevering virtue. We are still in the world, we are yet placed in the battleline, we fight daily for our lives. We should give ourselves to the task so that after such a beginning there should also come about an increase, and thus that what you have begun to be with such a blessed commencement should be perfected in you. It is a little thing to have been able to obtain something, it is much more that you are able to keep what you have obtained, even as faith itself and saving birth gives life not simply by being received, but by being preserved. It is not the instant of attainment, but the perfecting, that guards a man for God. The Lord taught this in His instruction when He said, 'Behold, you are made well. Sin no more, lest something worse befall you.' 1 Think of Him as saying something like this to His confessor, 'Behold, you are made a confessor. Sin no more, lest something worse come upon you.' So Solomon, and Saul, and many others, as long as they walked in the Lord's ways, were able to keep the grace given to them. When they abandoned the discipline of the Lord, grace abandoned them.

Saint Cyprian of Carthage, from Letter 6, to Rogantius the Priest and other Confessors

1 Jn 5.14

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