State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

15 Sept 2024

Curing The Blind

Et stans Jesus praecepit illum vocari. Et vocant caecum, dicentes ei: Animaequior esto: surge, vocat te. Qui, projecta vestimento suo, exsiliens venit ad eum.Et respondens Jesus dixit illi: Quid tibi vis faciam? Caecus autem dixit ei: Rabboni, ut videam. Jesus autem ait illi: Vade, fides tua te salvum facit. Et confestim vidit, et sequebatur eum in via.

Tangit hic ea quae circumstant istius mirculi perfectionem. Sunt autem septem, quorum primum est status transfeuntis, cum dicit, et stans Iesus, ut eum caecus consequi posset: stetit enim ex misericordia expectans eum, quem defidem transiuerat ex iustitia. Expectat vos Dominus ut misereatur vestri. En ipse stat post paritem nostrum. Et quid mirum quod stat expectans, quia ante stetit pulsans. Secundum est adduendi caeci ad se praeceptum, unde dicit praecepit illum vocati, ut Deo et lumini aeterno appropinquaret. Accedite ad eum et illuminamini, et facies vestrae non confundentur. Adducite illum ad me, et ponam oculos meos super eum. Tertium est quod iuxta Christi imperium caecus vocatur, et vocantes caecum, ministri illuminationis et intercessores, dicentes ei caeco iam statim illuminando. Confirmetis in illum charitatem. Animaequior esto Forti animo esto, in proximo est ut a Deo cureris. Animaequior esto populus Dei; quia quae Deo placent manifesta sunt vobis. Ergo, surge, hoc est, sursum ad caeli lumen age te. Surge qui dormis et exurge a mortuis, et illuminabit te Christus. Vocat te. Qui vocat ea quae non sunt tamquam ea quae sunt. Quartum est caeci ad lumen acceleratio, et hoc est, Qui proiecto vestimento suo, ut reverentiam exhiberet, et pristini erroris per confessionem conversationem deponeret. Exui me tunica mea, et quomodo induat illa. Deponere vos secundum pristinam conversationem veterem hominem, qui corrupitur secundum desideria erroris. Exiliens prae gaudio quod concepit spe sanitatis percipiendae. Ecce venit, saliens in monitbus, transiliens colles. Quia si etiam claudus fuisset, prae gaudio saltasset: et hoc fuit signum perfectae fidei, quia aliter guadium tantum non concepisset. Tunc saliet quasi cevus claudus, et aperta erit lingua mutorum. Venit ad eum Salvatorem et illuminatorem omnium. In die bona venimus ad te. Et respondens Jesus dixit illi. Quintum est, in quo per quaestionem intendit Dominus aliis hujus caeci ostendere affectum. Quid tibi vis faciam? Hoc quaerit non ignorans, sed ut aliis ostendatur quod non carnale aliquid, sed perceptionem luminis interioris et exterioris habet in desiderio. Quale gaudium mihi erit, qui in tenebris sedeo, et lumen coeli non video? Caecus autem dixit ei, de videndo lumine suum exclamans desiderium: Dulce lumen et delectabile est oculis videre solem. Rabboni, dulcissime magister, qui veritate tua omnes illuminas, qui dixisti, Ego sum lux mundi, qui sequitur me, non ambulat in tenebris, sed habebit lumen vitae, qui dixisti adhuc, In judicium ego in hunc mundum veni, ut qui non vident, videant, et qui vident, caeci fiant. Ut videam. Domine, ut videam: Deus meus, illumina tenebras meas. Jesus autem ait illi, Fons verae lucis. Candor est lucis aeternae, et speculum sine macula. Vade, illuminationis profectu. Et hoc est sextam. Domine, in lumine vultus tui ambulabunt: et in nomine tuo exsultabunt tota die, et in justitia tua exaltabuntur. Disce ubi sit lumen oculorum et pax.'  'Fides tua,' qua me posse hoc tibi facere credis, 'te salvum fecit.' 'Fides tua te salvam fecit, vade in pace.' 'Et confestim vidit.' Hoc est septimum. 'Confestim,' quia nescit tarda molimina Spiritus sancti gratia. Et ne putetur per medicinam curatus, statim in momento factum est. Confestim ergo vidit. 'Revela oculos meos, et considerabo mirabilia de lege tua.' 'Ceciderunt ab oculis ejus tamquam squamae, et visum recepit.' 'Cum sedero in tenebris, Dominus lux mea est.' 'Et sequebatur eam in via.' Fructus est miraculi et utilitas. Sequar te quocumque ieris. Hic enim de caetero lumen sequebatur, ne in tenebris impingeret. Dum lucem habetis, credite in lucem, ut filii lucis sitis. Ut filii lucis ambulate. Hoc enim est primum lucis beneficium ut sequamur lucem.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus Commentarium In Evangelium Divi Marci, Caput X

Source: Here p130
And Jesus stopped and commanded him to be called. And they called the blind man, saying to him, 'Take heart, rise up, He has called you.' And casting off his cloak he leapt up and came to Him. And in answer Jesus said to him, 'What do you want me to do?' The blind man said to him: 'Master, that I might see.' And Jesus said to him: 'Go, your faith has saved you.' And instantly he saw, and he followed Him in the way. 1

These touches on the things which pertain to the perfection of the miracle. There are seven parts, the first of which is the state of passing by, when it is said, 'And Jesus stopped,' so that the blind man might be able to come to him. For He stopped because of mercy to await him, who sitting He would have passed by because of righteousness. 'The Lord waits for you that He might be merciful to you.' 'Behold, he stands at our wall.' 2 And why wonder that He stood waiting, since before He stood knocking. The second part is the blind man coming to Him at His command, whence it is said that He commanded Him to be called, so that he might come near to God and the light eternal. 'Come to Him and be illuminated, and your faces shall not be confounded.' 'Bring him to me and I shall place my eyes upon him.' 3 The third part is that the blind man is called by the people of Christ, and calling the blind man they are ministers and intercessors of the light, who now immediately speak to the blind man for his enlightening. 'Be strong in love for him.' 4 'Take heart.' Be strong in soul, it is near that you might be healed by God.' 'Take heart, people of God, because the things which are pleasing to God have been revealed to you.' Therefore 'rise up,' that is, lift yourself up to the light of heaven. 'Rise you who sleep, rise up from the dead and Christ shall illuminate you.' 'He calls you.' 'He who calls the things which are not as things which are.' 5 The fourth part is the hurrying of the blind man to the light, and this is, 'Casting off his cloak,'  so that he exhibits reverence, and would be rid of the state of the first fault through confession. 'He took my tunic from me, how shall I put in on?' 'Put off your former conduct of the old man, which was corrupted by deceitful desires.' 'He leapt up,' for joy because he conceived hope of the healing to be gained. 'Behold he comes, leaping on the mountains, bounding across the hills.' 6 Because even if he had been lame, he would have leapt for joy. And this is the sign of perfect faith, because otherwise he would not have been joyful at all. 'Then the lame man shall leap like a hart, and the tongues of the mute shall be opened.' Thus he comes to the Saviour, to the one who enlightens all things. 'On a good day we come to you.' 7 'And in answer Jesus said to him.' The fifth part is that by question the Lord intends to reveal the desire of the blind man to others. 'What do you want me to do?' He did not ask as one ignorant, but that He might show others that this was not something carnal, but that he had in him a desire for the possession of interior and exterior light. 'What joy shall there be for me who sits in darkness and does not see the light of heaven?' 8 'The blind man said to Him,' he cries out with his desire for the light of seeing, 'Light is sweet and it is delightful to see the sun with one's eyes.' 9 'Master' the sweetest teacher, who with your light illuminates everyone, you who said, 'I am the light of the world, he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but he shall have the light of life.' You who yet said, 'In judgement I shall come into this world, that those who do not see might see and those who see might be blind.' 10 'That I might see.' 'O Lord, that I might see.' 'My God, illuminate my darkness.' 'Jesus said to him,' 'The fount of true light. Its brightness is of the light eternal and it is a mirror without flaw.' 11 'Go,' in the success of enlightenment. And this is the sixth part. 'O Lord, in the light of your face they shall walk, and in your name they shall exult the whole day, and in your righteousness they shall be exalted.' 'Learn where might be the light of the eyes and peace.' 12 'Your faith,' because you believe that I am able to do this to you, 'has saved you.' 'Your faith has saved you, go in peace' 13 'And instantly he saw.' This is the seventh part. 'Instantly,' because the Holy Spirit does not know delay in its efforts. And lest it be thought he was cured by medicine, it is performed in a moment. Thus he sees instantly. 'Open my eyes, and I shall consider the wonders of your law' 'They fell from his eyes like scales and he received his sight.' 'When I shall sit in darkness, the Lord is my light.' 14 'And he followed Him in the way.' The fruit and usefulness of the miracle. 'I shall follow you wherever you shall go.' Henceforth he followed the light lest he be driven into darkness. 'While you have the light, believe in the light, that you be sons of the light.' 'So that you walk as sons of light.' 15 This is the first blessing of light, that we might follow the light.

Saint Albert The Great, Commentary On The Gospel of St Mark, Chapter 10

1 Mk 10.40-52
2 Isaiah 30.18 Song 2.9
3 Ps 33.6 Genes 44.21
4 2 Cor 2.8
5 Tob 5.13, Baruch 4.27, Ephes 5.14, Rom 4.17
6 Song 5.3 Ephes 4.22, Song 2.8
7 Isaiah 35.6, 1 Kings 25.8
8 Tob 5.12
9 Eccle 11.7
10 Jn 8.12, Jn 9.39
11 Lk 18.41, 1. Ps 17.29, Wisd 7.26
12 Ps 88.16,11 Baruch 3.14
13 Lk 7.50
14 Ps 118.18, Acts 9.18, Micah 7.8
15 Mt 8.19, Jn 12.36, Ephes 5.8

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