State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

12 Nov 2018

Positions And Judgement

Nec eos audiamus, qui negant ad dexteram Patris sedere Filium. Dicunt enim: Numquid Deus Pater habet latus dextrum aut sinistrum, sicuti corpora? Nec nos hoc de Deo Patre sentimus: nulla enim forma corporis Deus definitur atque concluditur. Sed dextera Patris est beatitudo perpetua, quae sanctis promittitur; sicut sinistra eius rectissime dicitur miseria perpetua, quae impiis datur: ut non in ipso Deo, sed in creaturis hoc modo, quo diximus, intellegatur dextera et sinistra. Quia et corpus Christi, quod est Ecclesia, in ipsa dextera, hoc est in ipsa beatitudine futurum est, sicut Apostolus dicit, quia et simul nos suscitavit, et simul sedere fecit in coelestibus. Quamvis enim corpus nostrum nondum ibi sit, tamen spes nostra iam ibi est. Propterea et ipse Dominus post resurrectionem iussit discipulis quos piscantes invenit, ut in dexteram partem mitterent retia. Quod cum fecissent, ceperunt pisces, qui omnes magni erant, id est, iustos significabant, quibus dextera promittitur. Hoc significat, quod etiam in iudicio dixit se agnos ad dexteram, haedos autem ad sinistram esse positurum.

Sanctus Augustinus Hipponensi, De Agone Christiano
Nor should we listen to those who deny the Son sits at the right hand of the Father. For they say, 'Does God the Father have a left side and a right side as if He had a body?' Nor do we think this concerning God the Father, for by the form of the body God is neither limited nor encompassed. But of the right hand of the Father is eternal blessedness, which is promised to the holy, and on his left side is most rightly said to be endless misery, which is given to the impious, so not in God himself is it to be understood, but in creatures alone this is, by which we say, left and right. Because the body of Christ, which is the Church, is on His right, that is in the same blessedness to come, as the Apostle said, because at the same time he raised us up, at the same time he made us sit in heaven. 1 For although our body is not yet there, however our hope is. On account of which the Lord after the resurrection commanded His disciples who were seeking fish that they cast their nets on the right hand side, which when they had done so, they caught fish, which were all great, 2 that is, signifying the righteous, to whom the right hand side is promised. And this signifies that in judgement the sheep are to be placed on the right and the goats on the left.

Saint Augustine of Hippo, On The Christian Struggle

1 cf Ephes 2.6 
2 Jn 21.6-11

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