State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

9 Nov 2018

Books Of Judgement

Judicium sedit, et libri aperti sunt.

Conscientiae et opera singulorum in utrimque partem, vel bona, vel mala omnibus revelantur. Bonus liber ille est, quem saepe legimus, liber viventium. Malus liber, qui in accusatoris tenetur manu, qui est inimicus, et vindex, de quo et in Apocalyspi legimus: Accusator fratrum nostrorum. Liber iste terrenus est, de quo et Propheta dicit: In terra scribentur.

Sanctus Hieronymus, Commentaria in Daniel, Caput VII
'He sat in judgement and the books were opened.' 1
The thoughts and the works of each one are revealed to everyone as either a part of the good or the wicked. The good book is, as we often read, the book of the living. The evil book is held in the hand of the accuser, who is the enemy, and the one who punishes, concerning whom in the Apocalypse we read: 'The accuser of our brethren.' 2  This book is of the earth, of which the Prophet says, 'In the earth they shall be written.' 3


Saint Jerome, from the Commentary on Daniel, Chapter 7

1 Dan 7.10
2 Apoc 12.10
3 Jer 17.13

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