State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

27 Nov 2018

Movements Of The Soul

Timor, amor, laetitia, tristitia, libido, concupiscentia, ira, miseratio, zelus, admiratio, hi motus animi vel affectus a Domino ab initio hominis exsistunt conditi, et naturae humanae utiliter et salubriter sunt inserti, ut per eos ordinate et rationabiliter regendo se homo, virtutes bonas viriliter agendo exercere possit, per quas a Domino perpetuam accipere vitam juste meruisset. Hi namque animi motus intra fines proprios coarctati, hoc est in bona parte positi, in praesenti virtutes bonas et in futuro aeterna praemia parant; extra metas vero suas affluentes, hoc est in malam partem declinantes, vitia et iniquitates exsistunt et aeternas poenas pariunt.

Lactantius, Fragmentum

Source: Migne PL 7.275
Fear, love, joy, grief, lust, desire, anger, pity, zeal, admiration, these movements or promptings of the soul were established by the Lord from the beginning of man, and usefully and profitably inserted in human nature, that with them ordered and rationally guided a man is able to exert himself in the performance of good virtues, by which he may justly merit to receive from the Lord eternal life. For these movements of the soul kept within their proper limits and set to proper function are in the present good virtues preparing in the future eternal reward, but when they go beyond their measure they fall into evil works and as iniquitous vices prepare eternal punishments.

Lactantius, Fragment

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