State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Nov 2018

Confused And Spurned

Id enim sequitur: Confusi sunt, quia Deus sprevit illos. Confunditur quisque, et pudore dedecoris sui, et comparatione honoris alieni. Et hic illud est, quod Apostolus significat dicens Omnes quidem resurgemus, sed non omnes immutabimur . Sed et propheta et confusionem resurrectionis et honorem discernit, ita dicens: Et resurgent alii quidem in vitam, alii autem in confusionem aeternam. Confundentur ergo quorum ossa dispersa sunt, quos sprevit Deus, quos tamquam indignos ne conformes essent gloriae suae et resurrectionis abjecit. Resurrecturi adeo, ut confundantur: non immutabuntur vero, et ex eo confundentur. Haec enim resurrectionis statua conditio est: et idcirco tamquam ex praeterito pro decreti definitione fit sermo, quia id ut ita maneat sit statutum.

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis,Tractatus super Psalmos, Tractatus in Psalmum LII
It follows: 'They were confused because God spurned them.' 1 And they shall be confused because of the shame of dishonour and the acquirement of averse repute. And this is what the Apostle means saying, 'All will rise, but not all will be changed.' 2 And also the Prophet discerns the confusion and the glory of the resurrection, saying, 'And some will rise into life and some into eternal confusion.' 3 They are confused, then, whose bones are scattered, whom God spurns, 1 whom He casts out as unworthy to conform to His glory and the resurrection. For this is the foreordained state of the resurrection, and therefore as in the past the word of the decree was made, so it shall be.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Homilies on the Psalms, from Psalm 52

1 Ps 52.6
2 1 Cor 15.51
3 Dan 12.2

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