State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

29 Nov 2018

Lost Glory

Καταδιώξαι ἂρα ὁ ἐχθρὸς τὴν ψυχήν μου, καὶ καταλάβοι, καὶ καταπατήσαι εἰς γῆν ζωήν μου, καὶ τὴν δόξαν μου εἰς χοῦν κατασκηνώσαι, κ.τ.ἑ

Ἡ ζωὴ τοῦ ἔτι τὴν εἰκόνα τοῦ χοῖκοῦ φοροῦντος καταπεπάτηται ὑπὸ τοῦ ἐχθροῦ εἰς γῆν. Οὗτος δὲ, κἂν δοξάζεσθαι ποτε δοκῇ, κατεσκήνωσεν αὐτοῦ ἡ δόξα εἰς χοῦν, ὡς τῶν ποιούντων τι διὰ δόξαν καὶ τὸν παρὰ πολλῶν ἔπαινον, ἢ τὴν παρ' αὐτῶν ἀποδοχήν.

Ὠριγένης, Εἰς Ψαλμους, Ψαλμος Ζ'

Source: Migne PG 12.1180 
'Let my enemy pursue my soul and seize it, and crush my life in the earth and lead my glory into the dust.' 1

He who in his life yet bears an image of dust is crushed into the earth by the enemy. His glory, even if it seems to be celebrated at some time, yet it has been led into the dust, and they are those who act for the praise and glory of the many, that they be approved by them.

Origen, On the Psalms, from Psalm 7

1 Ps 7.6

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