State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

30 Jun 2024

The Silver Trumpets

Fac tibi duas tubas argenteas ductiles...

Quarum varietate vocum populus congregatur ad praelium praeparatum, et in festivitate cantetur. Hae tubae argenteae sunt Petrus et Paulus, qui sunt argentei nitore eloquii, ductiles super incudem cordis Spiritus sancti malleo fabricatam. His ad Ecclesiam nos populi circumcisionis et gentium congregamur, contra hostes vitiorum et daemonum dimicare, et eos superare docemur, ac discimus bene vivendo, mores componendo, et in via mandatorum currendo, qualiter Deo hostias laudis et jubilationis immolemus, gratum Deo festum celebrantes.

Hugo De Sancte Victore, Miscellanea, Liber III, Tit LXIX, De duabis tubis argenteis et earum usu ad Petrum et Paulum applicatis

Source: Migne PL 177.676d-677a
Make for yourself two trumpets of beaten silver... 1

Which with different voices call the people to gather for preparation for battle and to sing at feasts. These silver trumpets are Peter and Paul, whose eloquence is of the brightness of silver, shaped on the anvil of the heart, fashioned with the hammer of the Holy Spirit. By these the people of the circumcision and of the Gentiles are gathered to the Church to struggle against the opposing forces of the vices and demons, and we are taught how to overcome them, and we learn how to live well, ordering our conduct, and running in the way of the commandments, and in this sacrificing to God sacrifices of praise and joy, celebrating the joyous feast of God.

Hugh Of Saint Victor, Miscellanea, Book 3, Chap 69, On the two silver trumpets and their use applied to Peter and Paul

1 Numb 10.2

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