State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

20 Jun 2024

The Desert And The Temple of God

Eremum ergo recte incircumscriptum Dei nostri templum dixerim; etenim quem certum est habitare in silentio, credendum est gaudere secreto. Saepius se illic videndum sanctis suis praebuit et conciliante loco congressum non est aspernatus humanum; in deserto quippe Moyses glorificato vulta Deum conspicit, in deserto Helias vultum pavens, ne Deum conspiciat, obvolvit; et quamvis omnia ipse tamquam sua revisitet neque uspiam desit, tamen, ut aestimare licet peculiarius visitationem dignatur eremi et caeli secretum.

Sanctus Eucherius Lugdunensis, De Laude Eremi

Source: Migne PL 50.702d-703a
Therefore I would rightly say that the boundless temple of our God is the desert. Indeed as it is certain one dwells there in silence, so it must be believed that there one rejoices in secret. More often it must be seen there that He provides for His holy ones and that they are gathered together in a place where there is no opposition of men. In the desert Moses with glorified face saw God, in the desert Elijah was struck with fear and covered his face, lest he look on God. And so though the Lord may visit every single place and there is nowhere where He is absent, it is permissible to think that He especially dignifies the desert with His visitations and with the mysteries of heaven.

Saint Eucherius of Lyon, In Praise of the Desert

1 Exod 34.29-35, 3 Kings 19.13

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