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29 Jun 2024

Peter And Paul

Apostilici natalis gaudio, fratres carissimi, Petri et Pauli, quorum hodie beatissimis passionibus jucundamur, laetior per universum mundum Christi exsultat Eccleisa; quae licet omnium se sanctorum martyrio certa sit adornari; quandoquidem videt de hoc saeculo ipsos fidei patres et magistros martyrum triumphasse. Quid enim insignius Petro, qui in carne positus, mensuram carnis egressus, Christum Jesum, vivi Dei Filium verum confitetur, et quod omnium adhuc mortalium pectus latebat, prima Petri lingua novo est sermone confessa. Quid, fratres mei, magnificentius Petro, qui tantae confessionis merito, cum corruptibili adhuc esset in corpore, et nec dum ipse ascendisset in coelum, regnum illi coeleste et claudere et aperire permissum est? Quid sublimius ejus fide qui, gradiente Domino super aquas, humanae conditionis oblitus, viam sibi in fluctibus dari et poposcit et meruit; tantaque mentis ejus confidentia fuit, ut crederet se posse per fidem quod sciebat homini impossibile per naturam? Nam quia postea mergebatur, ut mihi videtur, necessarium fuit, ne tanti sublimitate miraculi in perniciem forte sui aequata Christo carnis fragilitas superbiret. Fuerit certe infirmitatis corporeae, quod paulo post timuit; quis tamen ambigat inimitabilis fidei fuisse, quod eum descendentem de navi, tremula, et inconcussa humanis gressibus maris unda sustinuit? Sed jam veniamus ad beatissimum Paulum; cujus tanta est nihilominus plenitudo fidei, ut peculiarem quodammodo eum sibi ducem ad illuminanda gentium corda cunctorum praescius Salvator eligeret. Erat enim tam praecipuus in doctrina, animi virtute tam potens, innocentia et integritate tam sanctus, ut uno eodemque tempore hinc eum sacerdotes ac principes Judaeorum per aemulationem legis antiquae, data in Christianos persequendi auctoritate, dirigerent; hinc illum ad Ecclesiae solatium atque omnium credentium firmamentum Christus vocaret e coelo; cujus ab hoc sunt a Domino caecati oculi, ut, suscepta gratia veritatis, coelesti acie et lumine clariore fulgerent; pariterque adverteret Christiani nominis princeps futurus Christum, quem persequebatur, caecandi illuminandique habere virtutem. Ut autem praeteream caetera quae eum universo orbi mirabilem faciunt, unum illud, quod ad omnes ejus sufficit laudes, quis valeat aestimare quantae sit gloriae, quod cum inter homines ageret, speciali quadam Divinitatis gratia, et paradisus illi penetrabilis, et coelum pervium fuit? Quid ergo, fratres, hoc doctore perfectius, qui in coelo didicit quod in terris doceret? Quid hoc teste veracius, cui elevato super coelos oculis videre et approbare concessum est quod postmodum promitteret credituris? Haec sunt igitur apostolorum Petri et Pauli stupenda merita; per haec incedentes miracula apostolatum suum Domino ac Deo nostro effusione devoti sanguinis consecrarunt.

Sanctus Maximus Taurinensis, Homilia LXIX, De eodem natali Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli II

Source: Migne PL 57.397a-398b
I rejoice in the feast day of Peter and Paul, my dearest brothers, whose most blessed passions we celebrate today, and through the whole world the Church of Christ more joyfully exults, she who is permitted to adorn herself with the martyrdoms of all the saints, whenever she sees those fathers and teachers' martyrdom to have triumphed in this world. And indeed more notably with Peter, who placed in the flesh, yet going beyond the measure of the body, confessed Jesus to be the Christ, the true Son of the living God, and because the understanding of that was still hidden from all things mortal, Peter's tongue was the first to announce it with novel speech. 1 What, my brothers, is more magnificent than Peter, who merited so great a confession, that when he was still in the corruptible body, and had not yet ascended to heaven, yet it was given to him to close and open the kingdom of heaven? What is more sublime than his faith, which walking to the Lord on the waters, forgetful of the human condition, asked and was worthy to receive a way for himself on the waves? And how great the confidence of his soul, that he believed it was possible for him to do this through faith, which he knew was impossible for the nature of man? And that later he sank, it seems to me, was necessary, for lest by the sublimity of such a miracle he be puffed up ruinously, he was reduced to the fragility of his flesh by Christ. For certainly there was corporeal infirmity there, because after a little while he became afraid, and he who was of peerless faith hesitated, and descending from the boat he trembled; shall the sea's untrodden waves support human steps? 3 But now let us come to the blessed Paul, who had no less greatness in the plenitude of faith, whence the provident Saviour chose him for the special role of illuminating the hearts of all the Gentiles. He who was so advanced in teaching, and so powerful in the strength of his soul, and so holy in innocence and integrity, that at one and the same time, the priests and leaders of the Jews, through zeal for the old law, directed him, giving him authority for the persecution of Christians,  and from this, to the consolation of the Church and the confirmation of all the faithful, Christ called him from heaven, he whose eyes were by this blinded by the Lord, so that, receiving the grace of truth, the light of heaven might shine sharper and brighter. And so the future prince turned to the Christ of the Christian name, of whom he was a persecutor, to have his blindness enlightened with virtue. 4 But passing over other things which were done to the world's wonder, one thing I will touch on which suffices for all his praise: who can judge the greatness of his glory, that while he lived among men, by a certain special grace of the Divinity, there was made present to him the sanctuary of paradise and the way to heaven? 3 What then, brothers, is more perfect than this teacher who in heaven learnt and in the world taught? What is more true than this witness, who with eyes lifted up over the heavens saw and approved what was given and after promised to the faithful? These, therefore, are the wonderous merits of the Apostles Peter and Paul, who advancing with these miracles, consecrated their apostolate in an effusion of devout blood to their Lord and God.

Saint Maximus of Turin, Homily 69, On The Feast Day Of The Holy Apostles Peter And Paul

1 Mt 16.15
2 Mt 16.19
3 Mt 14.25-31
4 Acts 9.1-22
5 2 Cor 12.1-4

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