State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

17 Jun 2024

Honouring The Father

Doctrina mea non est mea.

Nota, qualiter docet nos vitare arrogantiam, qui, cum exhibuerit nobis in se ipso sapientiam, potentiam et iustitiam, attribuit tamen Patri omnium istorum honorem. Patri attribuit honorem sapientiae; unde hic: Mea doctrina non est mea, sed eius qui misit me, Patris; et infra octavo: Sicut docuit me Pater, haec loquor. Patri attribuit honorem potentiae; unde loannis quinto: Non potest Filius a se quidquam facere, nisi quod viderit Patrem facientem; et infra octavo: A me ipso facio nihil. Patri attrrbuit honorem iustitiae; unde loannis quinto: Non possum ego a me ipso facere quidquam, sed sicut audio, iudico.

Sanctus Bonaventura, Collationes In Evangelium Ioannem, Caput VII, Collatio XXXII

Source: Here, p572
My teaching is not mine... 1

Note how He teaches us to avoid arrogance, He who when He showed to us the wisdom and power and righteousness in Himself, yet attributed all their honour to the Father. To the Father He attributed the honour of wisdom when He says here, 'My teaching is not mine but His who sent me.' That is, the Father's. And in chapter eight, 'As the Father taught me, so I speak.' 2 To the Father He attributes the honour of power when in the fifth chapter He says: 'The Son has not in Himself the power to do anything, unless He has seen the Father doing it.' 3 And in the eighth chapter: 'By myself I can do nothing.' 4 To the Father He attributes the honour of righteousness, when in the fifth chapter He says: 'I am not able to do anything from myself, but as I hear, I judge.' 5

Saint Bonaventura, Observations On The Gospel Of Saint John, Chapter 7

1 Jn 7.16
2 Jn 8.28
3 Jn 5.19
4 Jn 8.28
5 Jn 5.30

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