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1 Jul 2024

Thanks And The Romans

Primum quidem gratis ago Deo meo per Jesum Christum pro omnibus vobis...

Quoniam ad quosdam scribens Apostlus, dicit pro omnibus se gratias agere, sicut et nunc ad Romanos; ad alios vero scribens gratias quidem agit, sed no addit pro omnibus; observans invenies quod ubi dicit pro omnibus se gratias agere, culpas aliquas graves aut probra in eos non exaggerat; ubi autem notat aliquos vel arguit, non addit ad gratiarum actionem, quod pro omnibus gratias agat, sicut et ad Corinthos vel ad Colossenses. Ad Galatas vero omnino nec ponit gratiarum actionem, quod eos miratur tam cito transferri ab eo qui vocavit eos, in aliud Evangelium.

Origenes, Commentariorum In Epistolam Beati Pauli Ad Romanos, Liber Primus, Interprete Rufino Aquileiense

Source: Migne PG 14.853b
First I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ for all of you...1

Since in writing to them the Apostle says that he gives thanks 'for all', as he now does here with the Romans, and in writing to others he gives thanks, but does not add 'for all,' observe that you will find that where he says he gives thanks 'for all,' he does not hold any fault or disgrace among them. And when he notes something or disputes it, he does not add to his giving of thanks that he gives thanks 'for all,' as with the Corinthians or the Colossians. 2 And then with the Galatians he does not make mention of giving thanks at all, but rather he wonders that they have so quickly turned away from the one who called them to another Gospel. 3

Origen, from the Commentary on the Letter of Paul to the Romans, Book 1, Translated by Rufinus of Aquileia.

1 Rom 1.8
2 1 Cor 1.4, Colos 1.3
3 Galat 1.6

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