State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

10 Jun 2024

Prudent Feasting

Et dixit ad eam Holofernes: Bibe inde et accumbe in jucunditate, quoniam gratiam invenisti coram me. Et dixit Judith: Bibam, Domine, quoniam magnificata est anima mea hodie prae omnibus diebus meis. Et accepit et manducavit, et bibit coram ipso omnia quae paraverat illi ancilla ejus.

Nota quod Judith apud Holofernem conversans, non coinquinata est cibis vel potu gentilium, sed ea manducavit et bibit quae sibi praeparaverat ancilla ejus: quia Ecclesia inter gentes habitans nullo modo polluitur idololatria aut superstitione gentilitatis, sed his utitur quae victui suo judicat esse condigna, quae devotio fidelium per obedientiam et exercitium boni operis sibi praeparat. De quo cibo ipsa Veritas in Evangelio ait: Operamini cibum, non qui perit, sed qui permanet in vitam aeternam. Et alibi discipulis rogantibus eum, ut manducaret, respondit. Ego cibum habeo manducare, quem vos nescitis; meus enim cibus est ut faciam voluntatem ejus qui misit me et perficiam opus ejus.

Rabanus Maurus, Expositio in Librum Judith, Caput XII

Source: Migne PL 109.572a-b
And Holofernes said to her, 'Drink and recline as you will, because you have found favour before me.' Judith said, 'I shall drink, lord, because my soul is exalted today above all my days.' And she took and ate and drank before him all that her handmaid had provided for her. 1

Note that while Judith conversed with Holofernes she was not defiled by the food and drink of Gentiles, but she ate and drank what was prepared for her by her handmaid, because the Church dwelling among the nations is in no way is polluted by pagan idolatry or superstition, but it makes use of what victuals it judges to be most appropriate, which the devotion of the faithful through obedience and exertion in good works prepares for her. Concerning this food the Truth says in the Gospel: 'Do not work for the bread which perishes but that which remains in eternal life.' And in another place He replies to His disciples who were asking Him to eat, 'I have my own food to eat, which you do not know. For my food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to fulfill His work.' 2

Rabanus Maurus, Commentary On Judith, Chap 12

1 Judith 12.17-19
2 Jn 6.27, Jn 4.32-34

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