State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

17 Oct 2022

That Which Is Perfect

Estote ergo perfecti

Perfectum est, quod extra se nullo alio indiget ad agendum: et sic est charitas gratuita, quae nec delectabile quaerit, quo iuvetur ad diligendum; sed in se gratuita dilectione sibi sufficit, et perfecta est. Cum venerit quod perfectum est, evacuabitur quod ex parte est. Sic Noe vir erat iustus, et perfectus in generatione sua: cum Deo ambulavit gratis diligendo, sicut Deus. Occuramus omnes in virum perfectum, et mensuram aetatis plenitudinis Christi.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus, Commentarium in Mattheum, Caput V

Source: Here, p111
Be you then perfect... 1

That which is perfect is that which lacks nothing outside itself for acting, and gratuitous love is like this, which seeks no pleasure by which it is helped to love, but an abundance of delight in itself suffices for itself. 'When that which is perfect comes, that which is from a part will pass away.' 2 'So Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his generation, when with gratuitous love he walked with God.' 3 'Let us all come to the perfect man, to the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ.' 4

Saint Albert The Great, Commentary On The Gospel of St Matthew, Chapter 5

1 Mt 10.27
2 1 Cor 13.10
3 Genes 6.9
4 Ephes 4.13

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