State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

1 Oct 2022

In The Sight Of Angels

Seminemus igitur hominibus exemplum bonum per aperta opera; seminemus angelis gaudium magnum per occulta suspiria, et per caetera hujusmodi, quae solis eis sunt nota. Gaudium enim est angelis Dei super uno peccatore poenitentiam agente. Hinc dicebat Apostolus: Providentes bona non tantum coram Deo, sed etiam coram hominibus. Nam Deo omnino noti sumus; sed coram Deo dixit, id est, coram eis qui vultui ejus semper assistunt. Ipsis enim maxime placet, cum vos vident occulte orantes, aut ruminantes psalmum aliquem, aut tale aliquid facientes. Sic seminate et vos, sic fructificate, charissimi.

Sanctus Bernardus Clarae Vallensis, Sermon XI, In Nataili Sancit Benedicti Abbatis, Sermones De Sanctis

Source: Migne PL 183.380d-381a
Let us, then, sow before men with good example through overt works, let us sow great joy for angels through hidden sighs, and through other similar things which are noted by them alone. For it is a joy to the angels of God when one sinner repents. 1 Hence the Apostle says: 'Look to what is good not only before God but even before men.' 2 For by God we are all known, but 'before God', he said, that is, before those who always stand before His face. 3 For it pleases them greatly when they see you praying in secret, or meditating on some Psalm, or doing some such thing. So sow your seed, so be fruitful, most beloved.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, from Sermon 11, On Saint Benedict's Day, Sermons On The Saints

1 Lk 15.10
2 2 Cor 8.21
3 Mt 18.10

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