State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

15 Oct 2022

Coming To The Lord meditatio cordis mei in conspectu tuo semper.

Quae est autem meditatio cordis, quae potest ad Dominum pervenire? Spes, charitas, et fides, quae utique digna sunt Deo. Illa enim merentur in conspectu ejus ascendere, quae ipse cognoscitur approbare.

Domine, adjutor meus et redemptor meus.

Adjutorem vero suum dicit in bonis, redemptorem a malis, ut nemo suis meritis applicet quod coelesti largitate susceperit.

Cassiodorus, Expositio In Psalterium, Psalmus CXLVIII

Source: Migne PG 70.143c
...and the meditation of my heart in your sight always. 1

What is the meditation of the heart which is able to come to the Lord? It is hope, faith and love, which are judged worthy before God. 2 For these merit that one rises into His sight, which He is known to approve.

O Lord, my helper and my redeemer.

And a helper, he says, in good things, and a deliverer from evils, as no one by use of his own merits shall achieve what with the heavenly largess he shall acquire.

Cassiodorus, Commentary On The Psalms, Psalm 148

1 Ps 18.15
2 1 Cor 13.13

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