State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

4 Oct 2022

Knowledge And Love

Sane sicut nunc Deus imperfecte et ex parte cognoscitur, sic etiam imperfecte diligitur. Cognitio enim, quam de Deo in praesenti habemus, si comparetur ad notitiam patriae, quando revelata facie videbimus Deum, quando videbitur in gloria sua, quando ostendet faciem suam, et salvi erimus. Et sicut ingressus matutinae lucis per tenuissimam rimam se habet, si ad meridianum splendorem conferatur quando sol lucet in virtute sua: sic dilectio Dei qua in hac peregrinatione habetur, quasi scintilla ignis exigua est ad magnum illius amoris ignem, quo justi cum Seraphim in superna Jerusalem igne caritatis ardebunt. Nunc enim ignis in Sion, tunc vero caminus erit in Jerusalem. Cum autem in amore Dei erga nos sint, teste Apostolo, longitudo, latitudo, sublimitas et profundum; charitati divinae humana dilectio pro suae insufficientiae modulo se captat. Deus equidem non superficialiter dilexit nos, non mediocriter, sed plene, sed sincere, sed medullitus. Utinam et nos comprehendere possimus cum omnibus sanctis, quae sit tantae charitatis altitudo, longitudo, latitudo, profundum.

Petrus Blenensis, De Caritate Dei et Proximi, Cap LXIV

Source: Migne PL 207.955c
Certainly as now we know God only imperfectly and from a part, 1 so even we love Him imperfectly. Let the knowledge which we have in the present about God be compared to the awareness in heaven, when we look on God with the face revealed, when He shall be seen in His glory, when He shall show His face, and we shall be saved. As is the morning light entering throw a narrow crack compared to the midday splendour when the sun shines with all his power, so the love of God which we have in this our pilgrimage is as a tiny spark of flame compared to the great fire of His love, with which fire of love the righteous Seraphim burn in the heavenly Jerusalem. Now indeed there is a fire on Sion, but then there shall be a furnace in Jerusalem. 2 When indeed in the love of God for us, as the Apostle bears witness, there is such breadth and length and height and depth, 3 human love in itself is an insufficiently small measure to grasp the Divine charity. Truly God does not love us superficially, nor moderately, but fully, and sincerely, and deeply. That we could understand, with all the saints, the height and length and breadth and depth of the Divine love.

Peter of Blois, On Love Of God And One's Neighbour, Chap 64

1 1 Cor 13.9
2 Isaiah 31.9
3 Ephes 3.18

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