State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

23 Oct 2022

Giving Offence

Scio me offensurum esse quamplurimos, qui generalem de vitiis disputationem, in suam referunt contumelian; et dum mihi irascuntur, suam indicant conscientiam: multoque peius de se, quam de me judicant. Ego enim neminem nominabo: nec veteris Comoediae licentia certas personas eligam atque perstringam. Prudentis viri est, ac prudentium feminarum, dissimulare, imo emendare quod in se intelligunt, et indignari sibi magis quam mihi; nec in monitorem maledicta congerere. Qui etsi iisdem teneatur criminibus, certe in eo melior est, quod sua ei mala non placent.

Sanctus Hieronymus, Epistola CXXV Ad Rusticum Monachum

Source: Migne PL 22.1074-1075
I know that I shall anger many with my general criticism of their vices, and they will claim it as an insult against themselves, but while they are angry at me they show their conscience, that it is much worse than mine whom they judge. For I shall not name anyone, nor copy the licence of the old comedy which identified certain individuals and berated them. Prudent men and women will hide or rather correct what they understand to be at fault in them, and they will be more angry at themselves than with me, nor will they heap up curses on the one who warns them. For he, although he may be held to have the same faults, is certainly better in this, that what is evil in him does not please him.

Saint Jerome, from Letter 125, to Rusticus the Monk

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