State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

23 Mar 2021

Prayer And Hearing

Et scimus quoniam audit nos quidquid petierimus... 

Multipliciter eadem quae praemiserat inculcat, ut nos ad orandum vivacius excitet. Sed manet objectio quam posuit, ut secundum voluntatem petamus nostri Conditoris. Quod bifariam potest accipi, ut scilicet et ea quae ipse vult rogemus, et tales ipsi quales esse nos desiderat ad rogandum veniamus. Quod est habere fidem quae per dilectionem operatur, et ante omnia meminisse illius evangelici mandati: Et cum stabitis ad orandum, dimittite si quid habetis adversus aliquem, ut et Pater vester qui in coelis est dimittat vobis peccata vestra.

Sanctus Beda, In I Epistolam Sancti Joannis

Source: Migne PL 93.117a-b
And we know that He hears us, whatever we should seek..1

Many time he has inculcated the same thing, that he arouse us to be eager for prayer. But the demand which he set down remains, that we should seek according to the will of our Creator. 2 Which can be understood in two ways: obviously that we ask what He wishes, and then that He desires that we should come to ask such things which are so. Which is to have the faith which works through love, 3 and before everything to have been mindful of that Gospel command which says: 'And when you turn to prayer, forgive whatever you have against another, that even your Father in heaven forgive you your sins.' 4

Saint Bede, Commentary On The First Letter of Saint John

1 1 Jn 5.15
2 1 Jn 5.14
3 Galat 5.6
4 Mk 11.25

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