State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Mar 2021

Penances For Sodomites

Si quis fornicatus fuerit, sicut Sodomitae fecerunt, si episcopus, vigniti quinque annos poeniteat: quinque ex his in pane et aqua, ex omni officio deponatur, peregrinando finiat dies vitae suae. Presbyter quindecim annos poeniteat, quinque ex his in pane et aqua, superiori sententia deponatur. Diaconus et monachus duodecim annos, tres in pane et aqua, et deponatur.

Theodorus Cantuariensis Archiepiscopus, Ex Poenitentiali Romano

Source: Here
If someone fornicates in the manner that the Sodomites did, if he is a bishop, he shall do penance for twenty five years, five of them on bread and water, and he shall be removed from all his offices, that he may end his days a wanderer. If he is a presbyter he shall do penance for fifteen years, five of these on bread and water, and he shall removed from his position as the above. If he is a deacon or monk he shall do penance for twelve years, three on bread and water, and he shall lose his position.

Saint Theodore of Tarsus, From the Roman Penitential

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