State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

11 Mar 2021

Virtues And Snares

Antiquus vero inimicus castitatem in nobis, si sine charitate fuerit, non timet, quia ipse nec carne premitur, ut in ejus luxuria dissolvatur. Abstinentiam non timet, quia ipse cibo non utitur, qui necessitate corporis non urgetur. Distributionem terrenarum rerum non timet, si eidem operi charitas desit, quia divitiarum subsidiis nec ipse eget. Valde autem in nobis charitatem veram, id est amorem humilem quem nobis vicissim impendimus timet, et nimis concordiae nostrae invidet, quia hanc nos tenemus in terra, quam ipse tenere nolens amisit in coelo. Bene ergo dicitur: Terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata, quia electorum multitudinem eo maligni spiritus pertimescunt, quo eos per charitatis concordiam unitos contra se et conglobatos aspiciunt. Quanta autem sit concordiae virtus ostenditur, cum sine illa virtutes reliquae, virtutes non esse monstrantur. Magna enim est virtus abstinentiae; sed si quis ita ab alimentis abstineat, ut caeteros in cibo dijudicet, et alimenta eadem quae Deus creavit ad percipiendum cum gratiarum actione fidelibus etiam damnet, quid huic virtus abstinentiae facta est nisi laqueus culpae?

Sanctus Gregorius Magnus, In Ezechielem Prophetam, Liber Primus, Homilia VIII

Source: Migne PL 76.857-858a
The old enemy does not fear our chastity if it is without love, because he does not need to afflict the flesh when he might bring ruin in luxury. He does not fear abstinence because he does not need to make use of bread whom the necessity of the body does not drive. He does not fear the distribution of things of the earth, if that work lacks love, because he does not need the support of riches. However, true love, that is, humble love, which we give to one another, he fears greatly, and he envies our harmony, which we hold to on earth and he was unwilling to hold to in heaven. Well, then, it is said: 'Fearsome like a camp established,' 1 because by the multitude of the elect the wicked spirits are terrified, those whom they see united and gathered in love set against them. How great is the virtue of harmony is shown when without it the other virtues are shown not to be virtues. Great indeed is the virtue of abstinence, but if someone eschews food, that he might condemn others who take food, and he denounces that same food which God created for the taking up with the action of grace for the faithful, 2 what is this virtue to him but a snare of fault?

Saint Gregory the Great, On the Prophet Ezekiel, Book 1, from Homily 8

1 Song 6.9
2 Rom 14.3,6

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