State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

26 Mar 2021

Eve And Mary

Per feminam mors, per feminam vita: per Hevam interitus, per Mariam salus. Illa, corrupta, secúta est seductorem: haec, integra, peperit Salvatorem. Illa poculum a serpente propinatum libenter accepit et viro tradidit, ex quo simul mererentur occidi: hæc, gratia cælesti desuper infusa, vitam protulit, per quam caro mortua possit resuscitari. Quis est qui hæc operatus est, nisi Virginis Fílius et virginum Sponsus, qui attulit Matri fecunditatem, sed non abstulit integritatem? Quod contulit matri suae, hoc donavit et sponsae suae. Denique sancta Ecclesia quae illi integro integra conjuncta est, quotidie parit membra ejus, et virgo est.

Sanctus Augustinus Hipponensi,De Symbolo Sermo Ad Catechumenos, Cap IV

Source: Migne PL 40.655-656
Through a woman came death, through a woman life, by Eve ruin, by Mary salvation. The first, being corrupted, followed the seducer, the second untouched gave birth to the Saviour. The first freely received a cup from the serpent and gave it to the man, from which instantly they merited death, the second, infused with heavenly grace from on high, brought forth life, by which the dead flesh is able to be revived. And who is He who does this, unless the Son of the Virgin and the Spouse of virgins, who brought fertility to Mary but did not remove her integrity? And that which he brought to His mother, He gave to his spouse, for the holy Church undefiled which is joined to Him undefiled, every day bears its members, and is a virgin.

Saint Augustine of Hippo, On The Creed To Catechumens, Chap 4

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