State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

6 Mar 2021

Lot And The Sodomites

Quod ait Sodomitis Loth, Sunt mihi duae filiae quae nondum noverunt viros, producam illas ad vos, utimini ilis quomodo placuerit vobis, tantum in viros istos ne faciatis iniquum; quoniam prostituere volebat filias suas hac compensatione, ut viri hospites ejus nihil a Sodomitis tale paterentur: utrum admittenda sit compensatio flagitiorum vel quorumque peccatorum, ut nos faciamus mali aliquid, ne alius gravius malum faciat; an potius peturbationi Loth, non consilio tribuendum sit quia hoc dixerit, merito quaeritur. Et nimirum periculosissime admittitur haec compensation: si autem pertrubationi humanae tribuitur, et menti tanto malo permotae, nullo modo imitanda est.

Sanctus Augustinus Hipponensi, Quaestionum In Heptateuchum, Liber Primus

Source: Migne PL 34.559
Lot said to the Sodomites: 'I have two daughters who have not yet known men, I shall give them to you and you may do to them what pleases you, only do no wickedness to these men,'  1 because he wished to prostitute his daughters in exchange for his guests suffering such a thing from the Sodomites, it is reasonably asked whether it should be admitted there may be a exchange of crimes, or any sin, so that we do some evil, lest we do a worse evil, or rather if what Lot said was because of his distress and must be attributed to his loss of reason. Certainly most perilous it is to admit the exchange, but even if we attribute it to human distress and a mind being overthrown by such evil, it is in no way to be imitated.

Saint Augustine of Hippo, Questions on The Heptateuch, Book 1

1 Gen 19.8

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