State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

29 Aug 2024

Wonder And Teaching

Et mirabantur Judaei...

Hic tangitur secundum, scilicet Judaeorum admiratio. Ratio admirationis erat, sicut dicit Augustinus, quod nunquam viderant eum literas dicentem, audiebant autem de lege disputantem; propter quod dicitur: Et mirabuntur Judaei dicentes: Quomodo hic literas scit, cum non didicerit? Unde poterat Dominus dicere illud Prov. trigesimo: Sapientiam non didici, et novi scientiam Sanctorum. Luc. secundo: Stupebant autem omnes, qui eum audiebant, super prudentia et responsis ejus.

Respondit eis Jesus, et dixit: Mea doctrina...

Hic ponitur tertium, scilicet Christi responsio, qua admirationi eroum satisfacit, ostendens se non habere scientiam per acquisitionem, sicut habent alii homines; sed a sua origine, propter quod dicit: Mea doctrina, scilicet quam doceo, non est mea, id est, a me, vel ad meam gloriam, vel a me acquisita, sed ejus, qui misit me, id est, a Patre, qui misit me; omnia enim, quae habet Filius, a Patre accipit, supra quinto: Non potest Filius a se facere quidquam, nisi quod viderit Patrem facientem, ita nec docere quemquam. Et quia haec responsio manifesta non est nisi his, qui recte audiunt, et hi sunt qui audiunt, ut faciant, propterea dicit:

Si quis voluerit voluntatem ejus,

scilicet Dei Patris, facere, cognscet de doctrina, utrum ex Deo fit, an ego a me ipso loquar; quia aliter nec me, nec doctrinam meam potest cognoscere vere. Ideo dicitur primae Joan. secundo: Qui dicit se Deum nosse, et mandata ejus non custodit, mendax est, et in hoc veritas non est. Et sic doctrine Christi est commendabilis ab origine. Est etiam commendabilis a fine in hoc quod in docendo non quaerit gloriam propriam.

Sanctus Bonaventura, Commentarius In Evangelium Ioannem, Caput VII

Source: Here, p717-718
And the Jews were amazed... 1

Here he touches on the second part, that is, the wonder of the Jews. The reason for the amazement was, as Augustine says, that they had never seen anyone teach Him, but then they heard him disputing on the Law, 2 on account of which it is said: 'And the Jews were amazed, saying, 'How does this man have his learning when He was not taught?' Whence the Lord could have spoken that passage in the thirtieth chapter of Proverbs: 'I knew no learning and I had the knowledge of the holy.' 3 And in the second chapter of Luke: 'All who heard Him were astonished at His wisdom and His replies.' 4

Jesus answered them, saying, 'My teaching...'

Here he sets down the third part, that is the reply of Christ, which stirs up their wonder, showing Him not to have knowledge by acquisition, as other men have, but from His origin, on account of which He says: 'My teaching,' that is, what I teach, 'is not my own,' that is, from me, or for my own glory, or acquired by me, 'but it is of Him who sent me,' that is, the Father, who sent me. For everything which the Son has, He has received from the Father, as in chapter five of this Gospel: 'The Son is not able to do anything of Himself, unless what He sees the Father doing,' 5 and thus not to teach anything. And because this answer was not given for anyone but those who hear rightly,  those who hear that they might do, because of this He says:

'If someone would do His will,'

That is, of God The Father, 'he will know if this teaching is from God, or if I speak from myself.' Because otherwise neither me nor my teaching can be truly known. Therefore it is said in the second chapter of the first letter of John: 'He who says he knows God and does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.' 6 And thus the teaching of Christ is commendable by its origin, and again it is commendable by its end, in that in teaching He does not seek His own glory.

Saint Bonaventura, Commentary On The Gospel Of Saint John, Chapter 7

1 Jn 7.15
2 August Tract On John 29.2
3 Prov 30.3, but here the Vulgate rather asserts ignorance of the knowledge of the holy, and the Hebrew the same. The Septuagint has God teaching him learning and knowledge of the holy.
4 Lk 2.47
5 Jn 5.19
6 1 Jn 2.4

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