State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

5 Aug 2024

Lifting Up The Heart

Obsecro vos, fratres mei, non graventur corda vestra in curis saecularibus; nam de crapula et ebrietate, gratias Deo, non magnopere necesse habeo vos admonere. Exonerate, obsecro, corda vestra gravi mole terrenarum cogitationum, ut sciatis mirificatum a Domino Sanctum suum. Levate corda vestra cum manibus quibusdam cogitationum, ut transfiguratum Dominum videatis. Formate in cordibus vestris non modo patriarcharum et prophetarum tabernacula, sed omnes domus illius coelestis multiplices mansiones secundum eum, qui circuibat immolans in tabernaculo Domini hostiam vociferationis, cantans, et psalmum illum dicens Domino: Quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Domine virtutum! concupiscit, et deficit anima mea in atria Domini. Circuite et vos, charissimi, cum pietatis et devotionis affectu vel hostia; visitantes animo sedes supernas, et multas, quae in domo Patris sunt, mansiones, humiliter prosternentes corda vestra ante thronum Dei et Agni; cum reverentia supplicantes singulis ordinibus angelorum, patriarcharum numerum, cuneos prophetarum et senatum apostolicum salutantes, coronas martyrum suspicientes purpureis rutilantes floribus, redolentes liliis choros virginum admirantes, atque ad mellifluum novi cantici sonum, quantum praevalet infirmitas cordis, erigentes auditum. Haec recordatus sum loquitur, et effudi in me animam meam. Quae? Quoniam transibo in locum tabernaculi admirabilis usque ad domum Dei. Et item: Memor fui, inquit, Dei, et delectatus sum. Quem viderunt apostoli, vidit et iste, nec dissimili, ut arbitror, visione: nisi quod spirituale totum habuit hujus visio, corporeum nihil. Omnino non vidit eum sicut is qui dicebat: Vidimus eum, et non erat illi species neque decor. Transfiguratum procul dubio vidit et speciosum forma prae filiis hominum, qui delectatum se perhibet, sicut et apostoli: Bonum est, inquiunt Domino, nos hic esse. Et ut nihil desit propositae similitudini, illi quidem proni cecidisse leguntur, hic vero suum fatetur spiritum defecisse. Quam magna multitudo dulcedinis tuae, Domine, quam abscondisti timentibus te!

Sanctus Bernardus Clarae Vallensis, Sermones De Tempore, In Ascensione Domini, Sermo IV

Source: Migne PL 183.313d-314c
I beg you, my brothers, do not make your hearts heavy with the cares of the world, though, thanks be to God, it is not greatly necessary that I have to warn you from drunkeness and ebreity there. Unburden, I beg you, your hearts from the heavy weight of worldly thoughts, so that you might know the wondrous holiness of the Lord. Lift up your hearts with the hands of your thoughts, that you might see the Lord transfigured. Fashion in your hearts not only the tabernacles of the patriarchs and the prophets but all His houses, the many mansions of heaven, according to him who circled sacrificing in the tabernacles of the Lord, a sacrifice of praise, singing and saying to the Lord in the Psalm: 'How delightful are your tabernacles, O Lord of virtues,' who desired 'and my soul failed in your entrance halls, O Lord.' 1 Surround yourself, most beloved, with the love or sacrifice of piety and devotion, visiting in your soul the supernal seats, even the many mansions in the realm of the Father, humbly prostrating your heart before the throne of God and the lamb, supplicating with reverence each order of angels, the numerous Patriarchs, the ranks of the prophets, saluting the senate of the Apostles, taking up the crowns of the martyrs glowing with purple flowers, admiring the choirs of virgins fragrant with lilies, and opening your ears to the sweet sound of new song, as much as the infirmity of the heart allows. I remember it is said: 'I poured out in myself my soul.' What? 'Because I passed into the place of the wondrous tabernacle, even to the house of the Lord.' And again he says, 'I was mindful of God and I delighted.' 2 He whom the Apostles saw, he saw, and I think that the sight was not dissimilar, if he had a wholly spiritual vision with nothing corporeal in it. Certainly he did not see Him as the one who said: 'We saw him and he was neither fair nor comely.' Without doubt he who had joy in himself, as even the Apostles did, saw Him transfigured and'most fair before the sons of men.' 3 'Good it is that we are here,' they said to the Lord. And that nothing be lacking in the proposal of likeness, we read that 'they fell down on their faces.' 4 How great is the abundance of your sweetness, O Lord, which you have reserved for those in awe of you.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, from Sermon 4 On The Ascension Of The Lord

1 Ps 26.6, Ps 83.2-3
2 Ps 41.5, Ps 76.4
3 Isaiah 53.2, Ps 44.3
4 Mt 17.6

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