State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

6 Aug 2024

Transfiguration And Judgement

Et facta est, dum oraret, species vultus ejus altera: et vestitus ejus albus et refulgens.

Tranfiguratus Salvator non substantiam verae carnis amisit, sed gloriam futurae, vel suae vel nostrae resurrectionis ostendit. Qui qualis tunc apostolis apparuit, talis post judicium cunctis apparebit electis. Nam in ipse tempore judicandi et bonis simul et malis, in forma servi videbitur, ut videlicet impii quem sprevere, Judaei quem negavere, milites quem crucifixere, Pilatus Herodesqie quem judicavere, queant agnoscere judicem. Vestitus autem domini, sanctorum illius chorus accipitur, quem glorificans Aposotlus ait: Quotquot ergo in Christo baptizati estis, Christum induistis. Qui videlicet habitus domino in terris consistente despectus, aliorumque simili videbatur, sed illi, montem petente novo candore refulget, quia nunc filii Dei sumus, et nondum apparuit, quod erimus. Scimus qui cum apparuerit, similes ei erimus, videbimus enim eum sicuti est. Unde bene Marcus haec vestimenta describens ait: qualia fullo super terram non potest candida facere. Nam quia ille hoc loco intelligendus est fullo, quem poenitens Psalmsita precatur: Amplius lava me ab injustitia mea, et a delicto meo munda me, non potest suis fidelibus in terre dare claritatem, quae eos conservata manet in coelis.

Sanctus Beda, In Lucae Evangelium Expositio, Liber III, Caput IX

Source: Migne PL 92.453c-d
And while He prayed the appearance of His face changed, and His garments blazed with whiteness... 1

The Saviour transfigured did not lose the substance of the true flesh, but he revealed the glory of the future resurrection, His own or ours. As he appeared to the Apostles then, so after judgement shall he appear to all the elect. For in the time of the judgement of the good and the evil He shall appear in the form of a servant, so that indeed the wicked who scorned Him, and the Jews who denied Him, and the soldiers who crucified Him, and Pilate and Herod who condemned Him, shall be able to know judgement. By the garments of the Lord understand the hosts of His saints, which the Apostle glorifies saying, 'Therefore as many of you have been baptised in Christ, are clothed with Christ.' 2 They who are clothed with the Lord seem little while they dwell on the earth, and just like others, but having sought the mount they shall blaze with a new light, because now we are sons of God, and 'it has not yet appeared what we shall be. Because we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, and we shall see Him as He is.' 3 Whence Mark speaks well when he describes the vestments: 'as no fuller on earth could make so white,' For He who in this place should be understood as a fuller, to whom the penitent Psalmist entreats: 'Wash me utterly from my injustice and cleanse me from my sin,' 5 is not able to give such brightness on earth to His faithful ones, which is reserved for them in heaven.

Saint Bede, Commentary On The Gospel of Saint Luke, Book 3, Chapter 9

1 Lk 9.29
2 Galat 3.27
3 1 Jn 3.2
4 Mk 9.2
5 Ps 50.4

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