State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

24 Aug 2024

Hate And Wickedness

Contempta autem saecularium opum cupiditate, omnem a se occasionem perversae et pravae voluntatis recidit. Diligens enim super aurum et topazion mandata Dei, dehinc ait, Propter hoc ad omnia mandata tua dirigebar, omnem viam iniquam odio habui. Non deflectitur, non detorquetur per terrenas cupiditates, sed ad omnia Dei mandata dirigitur: non occupant obvia. Vidit aurum, scivit hoc terrae limum esse: vidit gemmas, meminit esse aut montium aut maris calculos: vidit illicem ad lasciviam vultum, scit tamquam avibus coeli ex his sibi laqueis evadendum. Resistit ergo coalitis sibi naturae suae vitiis, et omnem viam iniquitatis odit. Ideo itaque et ad mandata omnia dirigitur, quia ea super terrena desideria diligit: et dirigitur, ne particeps eorum fiat quibus dicitur: Natio prava et perversa. Et omnem viam iniquitatis odit, ut sit in eo quia est via, Domino scilicet nostro, qui est benedictus in saecula saeculorum.

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis,Tractatus super Psalmos, Tractatus in Psalmum CXVIII

Source: Migne PL 9.613a-c
Contemptuous of the desire for worldly wealth, he withdraws himself from every occassion of perverse and depraved choice, for loving the commandments of God above gold and topaz, 1 so he says: 'On account of this I was directed to all your commandments, and for every wicked way I had hate.' 2 He is not turned aside or twisted about by worldly desires, but he is directed to every commandment of God, nor is he delayed on the way. He has looked on gold, and has known that it is but scrapings of the earth, he has seen jewels, and has remembered that they are but stones of the mountains or of the sea. He sees an attractive and alluring face and he knows that he must escape from it like the birds of heaven from traps that are laid for them. Therefore he resists because of his awareness of the nature of the vices, and for every wicked way he has hate. Thus he is directed to the commandments of God, because he loves with a desire beyond the things of the world, and he is directed lest he become one among those to whom it is said, 'a people depraved and perverse.' 3 Indeed for every wicked way he has hate, so that the way might be in him, that is, the way of our Lord, He who is blessed forever.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Homilies on the Psalms, from Psalm 118

1 Ps 118.127
2 Ps 118.128
3 Lk 9.41

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