State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

12 Aug 2024

Judging And Judgement

Existimas autem hic, O homo omnis qui judicas eos qui talia agunt, et facis illa, quia tu effugies judicium Dei?

Si omnia quae Lex loquitur, his qui in lege sunt loquitur; et quae Evangelium, vel Apostolus nunc loquitur, non principibus saeculi, nec regibus mundi, sed Ecclesiarum rectoribus et principibus loquitur, his videlicet qui judicant eos qui intus sunt, id est episcopis, vel presbyteris et diaconibus. His ergo dicit ne existiment se effugere judicium Dei, si ea commitant ipsi, de quibus alios judicant et condemnant. Et ideo oportet unumquemque de sua prius conscientia judicate, et tunc ejus quem judicat, gesta discutere. Quod si fieret, omnis penitus adeundi honoris ecclesiastici abscinderetur ambitio, si se judicandos potius quam judicatoros hi qui praeesse volunt populis cogitarent. Nemo ergo existimet quod effugere possit judicium Dei, sicut et Propheta dicit: Quo ibo a spiritu tuo, et a facie tua quo fugiam? Et quia haec ad eos maxime dicuntur qui praesunt judiciis populorum, idcirco et alibi dicit, quod de domo Dei incipiet judicium. Et item alibi Dominus dicit: In his qui approximent mihi sanctificabor; sicut in Nadab et Abiud gestum est, cum alienum ignem, id est non sacrum, divinis altaribus obtulerunt. Incipit ergo judicium a filiis prius. Flagellat enim Deus omnem quem in numerum recipit filiorum. Verum, ut ego existimo, nec, si posset quis, deberet velle effugere judicium Dei. Non venire enim ad judicium Dei, hoc est ad emendationem, vel ad sanitatem, et remedium non venire.

Origenes, Commentariorum In Epistolam Beati Pauli Ad Romanos, Liber II, Interprete Rufino Aquileiense

Source: Migne PG 14.873c-874b
Do you think, O man, that when you judge those who do such things and then you do them, that you will escape the judgement of God? 1

If everything which the Law speaks is spoken for those who are in the Law, then what the Gospel or the Apostle speaks is not for the rulers of the age, nor the kings of the world, but speaks to the leaders and rulers of the Churches, obviously those who judge those who are within, that is, the bishops, or priests, or deacons. To these, therefore, he speaks, that they should not think that they might escape the judgement of God if they do those things for which they judge and condemn others. And therefore it is necessary that everyone should first judge himself by his own conscience, and then cut himself off from what he convicts himself. For if it should be that every ambition for the obtaining of ecclesiastical honours should be cut off, let those who wish to be preeminent among the people think that they should judge themselves rather than be those who judge. Therefore let no one think that he can escape the judgement of God, as even the prophet says: 'Where shall I go from your spirit, and where shall I flee from your face?' 2 And because these things are said especially to those who are preeminent in judgement among the people, therefore it says elsewhere that 'judgement begins from the house of God.' 3 And again in another place the Lord says: 'I shall be holy to those who come near me.' As happened with Nadab and Abiud, when they brought foreign fire to the holy altars, that is, when they brought that which was not sacred. 4 Therefore judgement first begins with the sons. 'For God tries all who wish to be reckoned as sons.' 5 Truly I think that even if it were possible to do so, no one should flee the judgement of God. For not to come to the judgement of God is not to come to improvement and healing and cure.

Origen, from the Commentary on the Letter of Paul to the Romans, Book 2, Translated by Rufinus of Aquileia.

1 Rom 2.3
2 Ps 138.7
3 1 Pet 4.17
4 Levit 10.1-3
5 Prov 3.12

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