State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

30 Aug 2024

Souls And Enrichment

Quid est quod ait: Anima quae benedicit, impinguabitur: et quae inebriat, ipsa quoque inerbriatur?

Plures namque sunt qui inebriant alios, sed ipsi non inebriantur; non dicit hoc corporali ebrietate, sed de spiritali: Anima ergo quae benedicit, impinguabitur, quia quicunque exterius praedicando benedicit, spiritalem pinguedinem accipit, id est spiritali gratia augetur et crescit. Similiter qui sacro eloquio mentes subditorum studet inebriare, inebriabitur et ipse, quia sancti Spiritus gratia repletur.

Quare non dixit, homo, sed, anima quae benedicit, impinguabitur?

In Scripturis divinis saepius poni solet pars pro toto, id est anima pro toto homine. Totum vero ponitur etiam pro parte, ut illud: Tulerunt Dominum meum. Dominum dixit, pro corpore Domini.

Honorius Augustodunensis, Quaestiones Et Ad Easdem Responsiones In Duos Salomonis Libros, In Proverbia, Caput XI

Source: Migne PL 172.318c
Why is it said: 'The soul which blesses shall be enriched, and that which intoxicates shall also be made drunk?' 1

For there are many who intoxicate others, but they are not intoxicated. This does speak of corporeal ebriety but of spiritual matters. Therefore the soul which blesses shall be enriched because whoever it blesses outside in preaching, it receives spiritual enrichment, that is, an increase and growth of spiritual grace. Similarly he who strives to intoxicate the minds of those who hear with sacred speech, even he shall be made drunk, because he is filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Why did it not say 'a man' but 'a soul' which blesses is enriched?

It is often the habit of Divine Scripture to give a part for the whole, that is, the soul for the whole man. But the whole may also be given for a part, as in 'They have taken my Lord away,' 2 for she says 'The Lord' for the body of the Lord.

Honorius of Autun, Questions and Answers on Two Books of Solomon, On Proverbs, Chapter 11

1 Prov 11.25
2 Jn 20.13

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