State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

11 Aug 2024

Perserverance And Discipline

Perseverandum nobis est in arcto et in angusto itinere laudis et gloriae; et cum quies et humilitas et bonorum morum tranquillitas Christianis omnibus congruat, secundum Domini vocem, qui neminem alium respicit nisi humilem et quietum et trementem sermones suos, tum magis hoc observare et implere confessores oportet, qui exemplum facti estis caeteris fratribus, ad quorum mores omnium vita et actus debeat provocari. Nam, sicut Judaei a Deo alienati sunt, propter quos nomen Dei blasphematur in Gentibus, ita contra Deo chari sunt per quorum disciplinam nomen Domini laudabili testimonio praedicatur, sicut scriptum est, Domino praemonente et dicente: Luceat lumen vestrum coram hominibus, ut videant opera vestra bona, et clarificent Patrem vestrum qui in coelis est. Et Paulus apostolus dicit: Lucete sicut luminaria in mundo. Et Petrus similiter hortatur: Sicut hospites, inquit, et peregrini, abstinete vos a carnalibus desideriis, quae militant adversus animam, conversationem habentes inter gentiles bonam, ut, dum detractant de vobis quasi de malignis, bona opera vestra aspicientes de magnificent Dominum.

Sanctus Cyprianus, Epistula VI, Ad Rogantium Presbyterum Et Caeteros Confessors

Source: Migne PL 3.236b-237b
We must persevere in the straight and narrow road of praise and glory, and since peacefulness and humility and the tranquillity of good conduct befits all Christians, according to the word of the Lord, who looks on no one but the one who is humble and quiet and in awe of His words, 1 so it is more necessary that confessors observe and fulfil this, they who have been made as an example for the rest of the brethren, the behaviour of whom should call all to the imitation of such a life and deeds. For as the Jews were alienated from God, on account of those through whom 'the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles,' 2 so on the other hand they are precious to God through whose discipline the name of God is spoken of with a testimony of praise, as it has been written, with the Lord Himself forewarning and saying, 'Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.' 3 And Paul the Apostle says, 'Shine as lights in the world.' 4 Peter likewise exhorts: 'As strangers and pilgrims, abstain from the desires of the flesh which war against the soul, having an upright way of life among the Gentiles, so that though they defame you as if you were wicked folk, by the sight of your good works they may glorify the Lord.' 5

Saint Cyprian of Carthage, from Letter 6, to Rogantius the Priest and other Confessors

1 Isaiah 66.2
2 Rom 2.24
3 Mt 5.16
4 Philip 2.15
5 1 Pet 2.11-12

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