State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

19 Aug 2024

Error And Correct Judgement

Vos secundum carnem iudicatis..

Primae ad Corinthios tertio: Cum sit inter vos zelus et contentio, nonne carnales estis et secundum hominem ambulatis? sive iudicatis, quiaipsum purum hominem esse credebant et gloriam suam ut homo quaerere; et ideo eius testimoniumarguebant. Ego autem non iudico quemquam, in praesenti scilicet; supra tertio: Non misit Deus Filium suum in mundum, ut iudicet mundum. Non iudico, condemnando, sicut vos me modo condemnatis; et hoc non, quia non possim vel nesciam, immo scio et possum; propterea dicit:

Et si iudico ego, iudicium meum verum est...

Non carnale, non incertum neque secundum faciem; Isaiae undecimo: Non secundum visionem oculorum iudicabit, neque secundum auditum aurium arguet; et ideo in iudicio errare non possum: Quia solus non sum, sed ego et qui misit me Pater. Unde quia in iudicando ab ipso non discedo, ideo non erro; supra quinto: Non possum a me ipso facere quidquam, sed sicut audio, iudico, et iudicium meum iustum est.

Sanctus Bonaventura, Commentarius In Evangelium Ioannem, Caput VIII

Source: Here, p760-761
You judge according to the flesh.... 1

In the third chapter of the first letter to the Corinthians: 'When there is jealousy and contention among you, are you not carnal creatures and walking according to men?' 2 Or judging so, because they believe themselves to be pure men and as men they seek their own glory, and therefore they dispute His testimony. 'But I do not judge anyone,' that is, in the present. Above in the third chapter: 'God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world.' 3 That is, I do not judge to condemn, as you now condemn me, and not because I cannot or do not know how, for indeed I do know and am able, therefore He says:

And if I judge, my judgement is true... 4

Not carnal, not uncertain, not according to appearance. In the eleventh chapter of Isaiah: 'He shall not judge according to the vision of the eyes, nor shall he determine according to the hearing of the ear.' 5 Therefore I cannot err in judgement, 'because it is not me alone, but I and He who sent me, the Father.' Whence because I am not cut off from Him in judgement, therefore I do not err. In the fifth chapter above: 'I cannot do anything from myself, but as I hear so I judge, and my judgement is just.' 6

Saint Bonaventura, Commentary On The Gospel Of Saint John, Chapter 8

1 Jn 8.15
2 1 Cor 3.3
3 Jn 3.17
4 Jn 8.16
5 Isaiah 11.3
6 Jn 5.30

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