State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

10 May 2024

Raising Up

Ut autem sciatis: quia potestatem habet filius hominis in terra dimittendi peccata, ait paralytico: tibi dico, surge: tolle grabatum tuum, et vade in domum tuam.

Verba sunt Evangelistae: et est argumentum a visibili effectu postestatis, ad invisiblem: ut demonstrata Deitate in corporali effectu, intelligatur operari invisibiliter in mente. Et litera per se patet: notabile autem est quod dicit.

Surge: tolle grabatum tuum, et vade in domum tuam

Et dicit tria: quorum primum, cordis in Deum notat elevationem: secundum, peccati in pondus transitionem: tertium, conscientiae quietem. Surge, enim est: sursum te age. Surge qui dormis et exurge a mortuis: et illuminabit tibi Christus. Si consurrexistis cum Christo, quae sursum sunt quaerite, ubi Christus est in dextra Dei sedens: quae sursum sunt sapire, non quae super terram. Levemus corda nostra cum manibus in caelum.

Tolle grabatum tuum.

Ut pondus et onus fit, quod fuit delectatio resoluti. Sicut onus grave gravatae sunt super me. Qui me salvum fecit, ille mihi praecepit: tolle grabatum tuum et ambula in pace.

Et vade in domum tuam

Ire est proficere in merito: in domum ire, est per profectum in pacata conscientia quiescere: in domum suam ire, est in merito proprio, et non in alienis actibus curiosum esse. De primo horum. Ibant in similitudinem fulguris coruscantis. Euntes ibant et flebant mittentes semina sua. De secundo. Intrans in domum meam conquiescam cura illa: non enim habet amaritudinem. Scies quod pacatu fit tabernaculum tuum. De tertio Ex his quae penetrant domos otiosae simul verbosae. Edidit terra eorum ranas in penetralibus regum ipsorum.

Et staim surrexit ille: et sublato grabato abiit coram omnibus: ita ut mirarentur omnes et honorificarent Deum: dicentes, quia nunquam sic vidimus.

Duo tanguntur: salus et salutis fructus. Salus autem est subita, integra, vigorosa, et aperta. Subita quidem, quia statim integra, quia dissolutus per omnes artus consolidatus surrexit vigorosa, quia sublato grabato suo abiit aperta sive manifesta, quia coram omnibus fructus autem triplex est: via enim ad fidem est admiratio: et hanc tangit, cum dicit.

Ita ut admirentur omnes...

Gratiarum autem actio, est secundum et honorificarent Deum laus autem, est in hoc quod dicit quod nunmquam sic vidimus. Quis audivit unquam talia: aut quis vidit huic simile? Si non opera fecissem inter eos quoa nemo alius fecit: peccatum non haberent.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus Commentarium In Evangelium Divi Marci, Caput II

Source: Here p24
'But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins,' He said to the paralytic, 'I say to you, rise, take up your pallet, and go to your house.' 1

The words of the Evangelist are an argument from the visible effect of power to the invisible, so that Divinity is demonstrated in the bodily effect. Let what works unseen be understood in the mind. And the letter itself reveals it, for what He says is remarkable.

'Rise, take up your pallet and go into your house.'

Which speaks of three things, the first of which is the elevation of the heart to God. The second is the passing away of the weight of sin. The third is the peace of the conscience. 'Rise,' that is, raise yourself up. 'Rise you who sleep and rise up from the dead and Christ shall enlighten you.' 2 'If you have risen with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.' 3 'Let us lift up our hearts with our hands to heaven.' 4

'Take up your pallet.'

What was a comfort to the sick man is made a weight and a burden. 'As a burden weighing greatly upon me.' 5 'He who saved me, He it was who commanded me, 'Take up your pallet and go in peace.' 6

'And go into your house.'

To go is to advance in merit. To go into the house is by progress to rest with a peaceful conscience. To go into one's own house, is to advance by one's own merit and not wander off to averse deeds. Concerning the first of these: 'They went off ... in a likeness of flashing lightning' 7 'Going out, they went and wept, sowing their seed.' 8 Concerning the second: 'Going into my house, I shall have rest by her care, for she has no bitterness.' 9 'You shall know that your tent is secure' 10 Concerning the third: 'From these who enter into houses are alike idle and verbose.' 11 'Their land sent frogs into the inner chambers of their king.' 12

'And immediately he arose, and taking up his pallet he went out before everyone, so that they were all amazed and honoured God, saying, 'We have never seen anything like this.'

Two things are touched upon: salvation and the fruit of salvation. For salvation is sudden, whole, vigorous and evident. It is sudden because 'immediately' he was made whole, the weakness in every limb being made firm. 'He arose' with vigour, because then 'taking up his pallet he went out' and did so openly and manifestly, that the fruit before all be threefold: for the way to faith is by wonder, and this is touched on when it says:

So that they were all amazed...

Their act of thankgiving is according to 'and they honoured God', but their praise is in this which is said: 'We have never seen anything like this.' 'Who has heard of such a thing? Or who has seen anything like this?' 13 'If I had not done the works among them which no other has done, they would not have sin.' 14

Saint Albert The Great, Commentary On The Gospel of St Mark, Chapter 2

1 Mk 2.10
2 Ephes 5.14
3 Col 3.1
4 Lament 3.41
5 Ps 37.5
6 Jn 5.11
7 Ezek 1.14
8 Ps 125.6
9 Wisd 8.16
10 Job 5.24
11 cf 2 Tim 3.6
12 Ps 104.30
13 Isaiah 66.8
14 Jn 15.24

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