State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

8 May 2024

Jubilation And Cries

Ascendit Deus in jubilatione: Dominus in voce tubae.

Veniunt filii Core ad secundum modum, ubi tempus illud pia laude concelebrant, quando corporalibus oculis ascensio Domini gloriosa veritate conspecta est. In jubilatio vero propterea dictum est, quoniam stupentes apostoli tale miraculum ineffabili cordis laetitia replebantur; quorum felicibus oculis datum est ad coelos euntem videre Dominum Salvatorem. Jubilationem vero diximus nimiam quidem esse laetitiam, sed non quae sermonibus explicatur. Vocem quoque tubae verba significant angleorum, quae magno strepitu percussi aeris fragore tonuerunt. Tunc enim de tali visione apostolis stupentibus dixerunt angeli: Viri Galilaei, quid admiramini? Hic Jesus qui assumptus est a vobis sic veniet, quemmadmodum vidistis eum euntem in coelum; ut mundus firmius crederet quod talibus praeconibus insonaret.

Cassiodorus, Expositio In Psalterium, Psalmus XLVI

Source: Migne PL 70.334c
God ascends in jubilation, the Lord in the voice of the trumpet. 1

The sons of Kore come to the second measure, where is the time they celebrate with pious praise when with the bodily eyes the glorious ascension of the Lord was seen in truth. 'In jubiliation' it was said, because the Apostles had their hearts filled with ineffable joy by such a miracle, those to whom it was given to look toward the heavens with happy eyes at the Lord Saviour's going. Whatever cannot be expressed in words but is excessively joyful we name 'jubilation.' Now the voice of the trumpet signifies the words of the angels, which strikiing the heavens with a great cry made it resound with thunder. And then, concerning the sight, the angels said to the astonished Apostles: 'Men of Galilee, what are you wondering at? This Jesus who was taken up shall come to you in like manner, as you have seen him going into heaven.' 2 And that the world might more firmly believe it cried out for such preachers.

Cassiodorus, Commentary On The Psalms, from Psalm 46

1 Ps 46.6
2 Acts 1.11

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